
Responses from finsup

Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Have I been pinged? MartyklYes, I was hoping you'd chime in on our own venue preferences. I'd forgotten about Mamboni's own experience, and being a musician at that, I should have pinged him too : )That was a terrific mini-review of the Series 500... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Thanks, Mapman. That helps a lot seeing that you are the primary contributor to this thread with extensive experience (pinging Martykl). I take it that where you sit at a concert mirrors, more or less, where you like to sit at home? How's it going... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
OHM Micro the little speaker that could....The micro OHM had a "perspective" of the front or second row of a concert hall while the other OHMs seem to place the listener too far back for me.Hifidon (AnswersInteresting MWTs (which I have... 
Would center channel benefit audio only room?
I hope this will give you brilliant people out there something to ruminate on.If you are going to cop an attitude like that, Orpheus10, why even come on this forum and ask for help? You have been asked to simply provide more information about your... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
I think that offer by John Strohbeen is quite compelling. It's too bad other manufacturers don't do this but that is one of the interesting things about how John runs his company: He is always willing to do things outside the box to give owners (a... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Not to derail this thread too much but OK, I'll bite, Kristian: What do you mean by critical listening? Are you referring to active listening to music or a system as I perceive the two labors to be quite different? 
Harbeth vs. Reynaud
As Chashas1 wrote, a good place to begin your search is to search the archives over at PF Online and then his website at Amherst Audio. Bob previously reviewed speakers at PFO before becoming a dealer for Audio Note, Reynaud, and Blue Circle.Of co... 
Review: Ohm Acoustics Ohm Walsh 2000 Speaker
I agree. This is a very thoughtful review. As one who followed your posts in the Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em thread, I appreciate the effort and care you took in relating your experience. Good job, Phil. 
Ideal Complete System for $5000
AV123 is offering a deal on a pair of X-Statiks and once X-Voce Center Channel for $999. Add a second pair of X-Statik's for $499. Get the Oppo mentioned above. That leaves $3000 for all the rest, including sub, pre-pro, cables, and the vacation R... 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Ron,I just re-read your 02-18-10 post and I remember why you were looking at the Micros. 
Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?
Ron,I would give heed to what Mapman says about the amplification you are using as he has quite a bit of experience with Ohms. Still, if you are unwilling at this point to consider a different amp, then I think playing around with speaker placemen... 
Your favorites amplifiers for their visual look ?
Already mentioned and I agree: VAC Phi Beta, McIntosh, and Manley Stingray. I'll add the Thor Crescendo Monoblocks. 
Obscure companies making excellent speakers?
Bamberg Engineering Sound Lab King's Audio Limited KingSound SpeakersLenehan AudioPNB AudioAcoustic EnergyLiving VoiceOhmI own a pair of PBN Montana XPs. All the above, including Reynaud and Selah speakers previously mentioned are currently on my ... 
Ohm Walsh vs. Mirage OMD 28
I meant to also say to wire the speakers out of phase when facing them together. Thanks Johnnyb53 for the reminder! 
Ohm Walsh vs. Mirage OMD 28
I have read of some who face the speakers toward each other (against each other so to speak) when breaking them in so as to cancel out the sound or even going as far as throwing a blanket over them when not listening to them so as to not annoy nei...