
Responses from fcrowder

Review: Acapella Triolons Speaker
I travelled to Sacramento on Sunday to help uncrate/set up my Campaniles in the home of the audiophile who bought them. This allowed me to finalize the purchase arrangements for the Triolons which should arrive sometime after CES. This also allowe... 
Reference DACS: An overall perspective
I have a X-01 D2 on order and am hoping to have it in late December. 
Review: Acapella Triolons Speaker
Some additional technical information: the crossover point from the woofers to the midrange horn for the Campanilies is 700 hz so that the frequency range from 200-700 hz is being handled by the four 10" SEAS drivers which also handle the lower fr... 
Review: Acapella Triolons Speaker
As I mentioned in the body of the review, I was able to hear the Triolons with a variety of front ends, amplifiers and cables and to hear a number of other speakers driven by various combinations of the same equipment. This marathon listening sess... 
Experience with Raul's Essential 3150
Raul also made a stop in Houston during his US travels and as luck would have it, he and I were able to spend an entire day listening to the Essential in my system. Unfortunately, we firts had to overcome two serious problems, loss of the diamond ... 
If boulder is tops what is second tier?
While I have heard most of the top contenders several times in show settings I have not had the opportunity to listen to most of them either in my home or in a system that I know well enough to draw conclusions. In my home, I have compared the pho... 
Best subwoofer?
Perhaps, you should have stated some constraints with respect to your question, such as size weight and cost. This is from the perspective that the best subs out there are very large (as a minimum, think 3' by 4' by 5'), generally well braced and ... 
What is the best USED Speaker Under $10,000
I think it would be helpful in making a recommendation if you would i) take each of the three speakers which you mentioned and describe what you liked/disliked and ii) were specific about what type of sound or what attributes you value most. This ... 
Analog cables for TT
I think that you may have hit the nail on its head. Given the very low signal level coming from a moving coil cartridge, what works well in other applications may not work well for phono IC. Noise can also be a significant problem and shielding ma... 
Best subwoofer for a Wilson Puppy
One further thought, I own a pair of Cabasse Saturn A21 subs which use a 1250 watt amp, provide for equalization and phase adjustment, etc. As this is a French company, it should be available in your market and is the best subwoofer that I have ev... 
Best subwoofer for a Wilson Puppy
Perhaps I misunderstand, but you may be missing the point. I think that Rives is saying that regardless of the external or internal control setting, his test instruments showed that the Velodyne was not crossing over below 40 hz. This could have b... 
Has any one heard Magico Speakers?
While I do not own the Magico speakers nor have any connection with the company, I did hear them at the 2006 CES and believe that AudioRevelation's comments were fair and accurate, but that is not really the reason for my post. About 12 or 15 year... 
Review: Einstein The Tube Linestage Tube preamp
As a result of some extended listening sessions at my local dealer's home (Jim Meine @ Epic Audio), I replaced a CTC Blowtorch with the Einstein, mistakenly thinking that the Einstein would offer a different and more tubular set of trade-offs. Wro... 
Phono cable/grounding/loading questions
Several years ago I switched from a Helicon to a Titan on my Rockport and at least in the Rockport arm, the Titan is significantly better. Cleaner at the top and definitely more bass but in my system the greatest improvements were in dynamics and ... 
best preamp ever - cost is no object
Best? Who knows? In the end, how you react to a particular preamp will be a function of your tastes and the remainder of your system. I would also suggest that ease of use, reliability, ease of repair and dealer support should be considered. Also,...