

Responses from fburkeen

My Analog Journey - Opinions Sought
Demo a Lumin X1. I’ve got all my vinyl in a Qobuz Favorites list now and the very nice vinyl rig (Well Tempered Verselex, Shelter 501mk3 cart, Line Magnetic tube phono stage... etc. a pretty quiet setup) sits there looking pretty. The X1 is simply... 
DeVore O/96 at low volumes are very nice.  The Lumin X1 is my preamp and has LEEDH processing which really does keep the music more balanced sounding at lower volumes...  That probably helps.  
What were your favorite gear additions in 2024?
Lumin X1 in February...  my vinyl front end has been disconnected since.  
Entry Level Tube Integrated Amps
I started the tube journey with a highly rated Consonance integrated from China. It had been favorably reviewed, used 4 of my target 300B tubes, so gave a less scary power output number for the speakers I had at the time, etc... It was a safer mov... 
Is it still worth buying a Lumin x1 in 2023?
X1 will handle 44.1 - 768kHz, 16-32bits...  with 192/24 being audibly better than vinyl to my ear, I can't see the hardware running out of gas as long as firmware updates can keep up with format changes. I had concerns Lumin would have an X2 soon... 
Linn Selekt dual Organik vs Lumin X1
I bought the Lumin X1.  For my system, the synergy of the very analog sounding Lumin seems a perfect match.  Especially in soundstage reproduction the Lumin really stood out over the Linn for me.  For this system my main objectives are natural, mu... 
???YOUR Personal Favorite???Why???
DeVore O/96 (they come with a stand...) with Air Tight ATM-300 and Lumin X1...  I also have Well Tempered TT, Line Magnetic PS, and a passive pre-amp...  all of which are disconnected since I got the X1.  
Streaming Curious
I'd like to renew the discussion a bit and focus more on where I'd want to look to get similar SQ to my vinyl setup.  I've heard a few streamers and in general think they sound very compressed and 2D.  The depth and air of vinyl is completely abse... 
Streaming Curious
Thanks to all...  The Node is on CL for 1/2 price.  It's the current version (3) and essentially new.  For the price I think I'll give it a try.  I can put it in the shop later and stream some variety out there even if it doesn't lead to a better ... 
Streaming Curious
I could add that I'm partial to Blues and Vocals, but listen to almost everything genre wise.  For me the air, soundstage, and musicality of my system are the key aspects.  From what I read the node may not give me much on the first two, but is mu... 
Streaming Curious
Well Tempered Verselex, Shelter 501mk3, Line Magnetic LP-33 Phono stage...  that's what I'd be comparing to.