
Responses from fbi

Subject: Anti-Piracy Breakthrough
~~~~I have some peculiar formatted plastic boxes(aprox.": .825x5.0x6.5) with what looks like a single continuous loop of recording material inside. All the teenage computer wizards I have shown these to haven't a clue as to how to download them on... 
Any one old enough to remember?
~~~~Skip,Those were the days! Used a Dual 1229 and a Sonus Silver P. It sounded great. Everything sounded great, or was it just the era. Era? Ear ah, could be my hearing was a little better then. The hours on the stylus may help your decision. Wou... 
Sonic Frontiers Pearl Tube Coolers Necessary?
~~~~Michaela,~~~~We know they got out of "High End Audio". I am curious as to their reasoning of discontinuing a once "essential" and included part? ~~~~Did S/F stop including them because they: Were not necessary? Did not want to spend any more ... 
Trigger Happy Negative Feedback
~~~~Ewha,http://www.audiogon.com/help/disp/index.htmlThis may be of some assistance...~~~~JUST THE FACTS~~~~ 
Diy Watt/puppy clones: follow up
~~~~Nice job! They look proud to be.~~In the center picture above your equipment rack, Who's the large face belong to? Reminds me of Elvis. Nice way of combining the small figures with the large one!~~~~Just The Facts, 
Does it hurt when you sell at a loss?
~~~~Cody, some people have more money to play with. If audio person "A" makes $30k a year, they will be more concerned than Audio person "B", who makes $300k a year. To someone who makes $6k a week, a loss on a new component isn't as big a deal as... 
Why not power your own DC
```Recharging a lead/acid battery gives off hydrogen gas, Very explosive and corrosive to the lungs. Hence the ventilation reason. If you ever experienced a hydrogen gas explosion I'm sure you would never want another one close up or in a home(wit... 
Need help solving hum problem
I have found the easiest way to eliminate the hum is to isolate where it is comming from and then teach it the words. This works for any whistles you might come across. I think it's time for me to go to bed. 
Got a melody running around in your head?
Dixie Chicks- Wide Open Spaces. Fantastic quality also! 
Odd shaped speakers
~~~~Clueless, Stay away from Killerpiglet!Just the Facts! 
Where do you sit?
~~~~Tim, That sounds interesting. It seems the sectional, in that position, would gather the music and direct it into the Vee. Must be some great imaging.~~~~As for the cup holder, Get one of those counterweighted and jointed reading lamps. Unplug... 
Where do you sit?
Just the facts man, Just the facts! 
Where do you sit?
KP, Do you use the sofa/bed open or closed when listening to music? 
Best Male Singers of the 20th Century
~~~~The late great Mr. Belchen A. Hicupburper was one of my favorite mail singers! He sang while he delivered letters in my old neighborhood. 
Recommend location and type for kitchen speakers
~~~~If you want to get the most out of a non reference system, use a graphic equalizer. You can tweak the sound to your liking. Tried many speaker position combinations to find pros and cons. The in front in wall set up 18"-24" away, 6'-8'apart, s...