
Responses from fbhifi

EMM Labs CDSD / DCC2 - Initial Listening Session
Robm321, May I ask what is the total ammount you have invested in your Vinyl playback system, including turntable, arm, cartridge, tonearm cable, phono stage, pre-amp and all associated interconnects and powercords? 
EMM Labs CDSD / DCC2 - Initial Listening Session
Tbg: Since I switched out both the transport and the dac, at the same time, I don't know exactly where the improvemnent(s) lie. Possibly Tireguy could refer you to person he mentions in his post who, apparently, still has the Philips SACD 1000 run... 
Meitner EMM DAC6e Redbook Performance
Rob, I, too, would love to hear of your findings in the Wadia/Meitner "shootout". As the previous owner of a mid level GNSC modded 270/27i combo, Audio Aero Capitole Mk.II, Meitnerized Philips SACD 1000/DAC 6, Switchman II, and, for the last 24 ho... 
Aural Sym IoGel with EMM Labs/Meitner cables
I, too, have the CDSD and am awaiting the DCC2. I had a Wadia 270 & 27i a while back and found the Aural Symphonics Optimism to better the supplied Wadia cable by a significant margin. The Audioquest Pro 1 cable was not as good as the Optimism... 
should everyone just order emm?
Robm321- The LP was once one of the "bandwagons" you refer to!! You are beginning to sound like a fanatical "78" disc spinner from the 40's. How could a slower rotating 33 1/3 disc possibly be superior sounding to the "78" ??Sometimes bandwagons t... 
Turntable or go into SACD, Simon Yorke vs EMM Lab
Hi Raul- I agree completely with your analyisis- in it's entirety! It takes an enormous ammount of experience, time, patience and money to fully and regularly realize the FULL potential in vinyl playback. This a very specialized pursuit for extrem... 
Turntable or go into SACD, Simon Yorke vs EMM Lab
Robm321- I'm sorry my reply wasn't timely enough for you.Whether dgad has, or has not made his decision is not relevant to the bigger question of superior musical playback. Why are you revisiting this post, if the case is closed?? My one and only ... 
Turntable or go into SACD, Simon Yorke vs EMM Lab
Ceol is absolutely correct in his extensive appraisals. For the last several years I listened almost exclusively to a high line vinyl set-up: Basis Debut V Vacuum, Graham 2.2, Dynavector DRT-XV, Manley Steelhead + $5k worth of wire to tie everythi... 
Wadia 861
The key to making any of the Wadia players or seperates sound better is to max the digital volume control and run the Wadia into a preamp. The output section of the Wadia SUCKS!! You, at first, think you a hearing an increase in detail and clarity... 
What's your favorite lyric from a song?
"She's so fine, there's no telling where the money went". 
Best power Cords for DAC
PSYCHICANIMAL- Funny you should ask- I'm presently running dual (jumped) BYBEE PRO boxes.CIP57- Is "Genghlis Klan" related to Genghis Khan? 
This Sistrum stuff works
TWL: My ONLY reason to be spending my time on this thread is because I'm interested in purchasing a rack better than the one I already have. In order to not throw one's audio dollars away on a rack which yields little or no improvement, or possibl... 
This Sistrum stuff works
Theaudiotweak: In an effort to keep this thread constructive, informative and focused on audio related issues- not personal- would you kindly comment on my 3/17 question to you. I will take the lack of any comment from you to be a concession that ... 
This Sistrum stuff works
Theaudiotweak- You state that "The point was designed to be an exit point only, it is not a re entry point." How then can it function as a re-entry point when attached to the shelf on the Sistrum rack ? It appears that it is not actually a "... on... 
This Sistrum stuff works
I'm confused about something. Tom's most recent comments about the flat side of the Audiopoint being the collection area and the point being the exit point- is consistent w/ my long term understanding of energy transfer. What I don't get is that t...