
Responses from facten

Upscale Audio and Primaluna
mozartfan, pick up the current issue of Stereophile , it has an article titled Hi-Fi in the Age of Covid -19 , it will give you a different perspective of the current state of the audio industry then your " These are very hard times in new audio s... 
Does the Audio Industry Have a Quality Problem?
No problems with any of this gear:US made - Daedalus speakers, Modwright preamp, amp and DAC, Mojo Audio DAC, Wadia IPOD transports, Channel Island Audio LPSCanadian made - SimAudio CD transport, Finale Audio integrated amp , Blue Circle power con... 
Your tube preamp and ss amp thread
Modwright LS100 tube pre with Modwright KWA100SE ss amp 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Bob Baldwin - New Urban Jazz3/An UrbanSmooth SuiteJulian Vaughn - Chapters of Love 
Tekton versus Klipsch
Phil, I could care less about Tekton, but as someone mentioned to you the other day when you also posted about this , the story-line in your 3 FORUM posts and that in your sales ad don’t sync up.  
tube DAC noise
I have no experience with the Black Ice to know if the noise is inherent, or simply that you have noisy tubes. Try swapping in some tubes that are rated low in microphonics To your question if all tube DACs are noisy - I have a Modwright Elyse tu... 
So done with audiophile fuses
I can read and understand just fine , but thanks for your concern that it might be an issue.  
So done with audiophile fuses
Not sure how someone stating that a different fuse works fine - meaning that it didn't blow - gets translated into the person having an inability to hear. 
Tekton versus Klipsch
missioncoonery "Facten....You argue the fact there are a lot of Tekton speakers for sale?..but my statement "they are junk,..poorly designed jinky cabinets with lousy bracing,big,butt ugly,loaded with cheap off the shelf drivers...all they do is g... 
Tekton versus Klipsch
missioncooneryI could care less about Tekton, but stating " tons of Tekton up for sale going no where" seems a bit of an exaggeration - 6 pairs listed on USAudioMart - one pair listed 5 days ago; 3 pairs listed in April; 1 in March and 1 in Januar... 
Actual Lead Time on Tekton Speakers
Well it's 10 weeks have you asked them about the status? 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Bob Baldwin - Re-Vibe 
What's in your CDP tonight? the minority report
Bob Baldwin - Twenty 
Is $2,844 too much to pay for a fuse?
Here's the Stereo Times review on the lineuphttp://v2.stereotimes.com/post/quantum-science-audio-series-fuses/ 
EXTRA! EXTRA!! Millercarbon Proven Wrong!!! Read all about it! EXTRA! EXTRA!!
I used the reference of Mr White as that is what his ad is labeled as -  Mr. White