
Responses from face

Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
I also feel that when possible, a single cap is the best solution. I feel that paralleling multiple caps, especially on the HF circuit, can lead to some smearing. But, I would still take two high quality caps paralleled over a cheap or mediocre cap. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
08-27-09: PhildspEven though the MR's might not have the superior tone and natural dynamics of the Dueland Cast caps, are they possibly in the same league in terms of imaging detail and sound stage size?In my experience, it's very close. CAST's ar... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
No, the largest value I could find is 1uf, which is too small for any of my loudspeaker applications, and their smaller values are physically too large to fit in any of my electronics. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
For large values in the the LF circuit, you can probably get by using a smaller value MR to bypass a cheaper film cap. I found a very noticeable difference using MR's in the shunt position(parallel notch) of my Tannoy's HF circuit. I've also used ... 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
VSF = lifelike tonalityCAST = lifelike tonality + huge soundstage and precise imagingThe difference was MUCH more subtle than expected. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Joe, which model Tannoy's are you referring to that only uses a 1.5uf in series with the HF unit? Most of the vintage drivers use anywhere from a 4uf to 6.8uf in series, with 1-2 parallel caps in the HF circuit. Some of their newer models with the... 
Hertz Meter Reading Device
You'll have to place the mic or meter right up to the sub's cone(sealed) or port. Otherwise you'll only be measuring how the sub interacts with your room. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
Thank you for your participation Fredrick and Joseph.Fredrick, I'm loving my CAST's more and more each day. 
Should I Bi-Wire or Use Jumpers?
Get a pair of high quality jumpers. 
Scanspeak 10" driver replacement - blown woofer
Shadorne, Have you ever dealt with Madisound? Of course they have clerks who take orders, but they also have an excellent technical staff, some who have been in the industry for a long time. 
Scanspeak 10" driver replacement - blown woofer
Using a different driver could throw your speaker's balance off. Search for a replacement or have it repaired. 
KEF " Blade".....
Very cool design! I'd love to get my ears on them. 
Bananas Vs Spades???
Bare wire is also better for corrosion. 
DAC with Digitanl Out ?
Cambridge 740C and 840C. 
Capacitor log Mundorf Silver in Oil
MOX have a sheen and slight coloration compared to Duelund, but still less coloration than Mills IMO. For the HF circuit, I would use Duelund.