
Responses from f1a

The best speaker you ever heard?
Doggrell, which amp drives your MLs? Thanx 
Best high-efficiency speaker under 10K
Keep in mind that AudioNotes were designed to work in the corners of your room, if that's an issue for you...Will Tonian appear at RMAF anyone? 
B&W 805 Diamond vs 805 Siganture
Yes they use a first order cross to the tweet with a custom gold/silver/oil Mundorf. The Signature also was 1st order. 
Should I buy the B&W 804d's or 805d's
What is your amp? 
B&W 805 Diamond vs 805 Siganture
Sorry found it: Dynaudio Sapphires for AltanpsxDid you happen to hear the 804Ds as well? Thoughts? 
B&W 805 Diamond vs 805 Siganture
Altanpsx:What are you "current"ly running for speakers? What is your dream speaker from what you've heard so far? 
Should I buy the B&W 804d's or 805d's
Thanks 5560:My former 804Ns also took 90 hours to come in.Did you happen to compare the new 804 to the 805d prior to purchase?? I'm not entirely convinced the FST midrange makes that big a step up over that of the 805... 
Herron VTSP-3A
Checked Herron's website, but can't make out which tubes are being used...Are they 5687s or the ubiquitous 6922/12AX7 variants??Can these be rolled?What's the retail price? 
Tidal Speakers owners
Linkster:What is the sensitivity of the Piano Cera? What do the impedance and phase plots look like? I'm hoping my 18wpc SET amps could drive them in my smallish room... 
Arcam AVR 600 Is it that good?
Seriously considering selling my mega-buck SET monoblocks and tube pre-amp, now that I have a month on the Arcam.Tubes still provide that sweet liquidity and dimensionality that SS will never touch, but what you gain in bass definition, transient ... 
Nautilus 805 and signature 805 tweeter
I also own the Signature 805s and yes, the tweeter is much improved over that of the N805.Having said that... my dealer tells me a new Signature is not far from release utilizing a diamond tweeter, and for not much more coin than the original Sign... 
Reference 3A Grand Veena
WRT tone, bass, mids, treble, & dynamics, how do the GVs match up with your stacked quad 57s? 
Speakers in 10-15K price range for Classical music
Interesting thread... I have the same size room, same budget, similar tastes, and am also looking. Please let us know what you come up with. 
Pioneer sc 07 owners? , just got one .Disapointed
Lose the receiver Peter. Heard the very same one at a dealer's driving $5000 JM Labs and had the same bright piercing agressive sound you describe which I'd directly attribute to their ICE-Y modules.Should sell quick on A'gon. 
Integrated amp for Eggleston Andra II
Tvad:The Reference 3A Grand Veena may meet your requirements...