
Discussions exlibris has started

Airtangent arm; what table under 10k?33209
Great bass from a linear tracking arm?2164152
Mastering for CD vs. Vinyl30127
A new analog medium33589
Half the information on CDs is analogue2437781
Vinyl to DVD-A 24/96 vs. Redbook548919
Battery-powered transports34858
Powerful Push Pull Triode Amplifiers1167720
Reference Transports: An overall perspective4830571
Audio Note DAC 4.1 vs. EMM Labs on Redbook49423
Wavelength Cosecant or TwinDAC+ or ???39443
47 Labs PiTracer80778
Looking for an incredibly dynamic preamplifier2539739
New? thoughts on driving MBL 101s with tube amps38764
Tube amplifiers that really drive MBL 101E's977418