
Responses from eweedhome

Want something more forgiving than Vandy 3a sigs
Thank you for commenting, Limbic. When I did the original post, I noted my system, which includes an ARC (Audio Research) VT 100 Mk III, which is a tube amp. But I didn't SAY it was a tube amp...we get so caught up in our shorthand, you know. I ag... 
Toe-in for Harbeth M30 in a narrow room?
Jay - You're right, there are trade-offs, as with all audio gear, I guess. I've been listening this evening as we've been grilling and eating, and I'm reminded that the Harbeths do seem very oriented toward having a "sweet spot"--if I'm in the rig... 
Toe-in for Harbeth M30 in a narrow room?
Another M30 listener! Excellent. (And I think we've exchanged posts perhaps in the past.)The dimensions I'm working with are different: About 19 x 14, with the speakers on the short wall. The speakers are about 6 feet apart, and I'm about 10 feet ... 
Vandersteen Model 3A Signature Review
Nice review. As a not-completely-satisfied Vandersteen owner (including 3A's) for the last 7 years, I'd recommend paying close attention to Krisjan's system-matching. Based upon what I've heard and switched around in my own system, I think Cary eq... 
Review: Mordaunt Short Performance 6 Speaker
I was absent-mindedly paging through Audiogon and came across this review, which I clicked on because I love the name "Mordaunt Short." I am indeed in the market for speakers, and really appreciate a considered review like this. I'm not sure these... 
What do BBC studios use for speaker cables
While I can't give you a direct answer, I can suggest that you go to the Harbeth website, where there are faqs and a forum for Harbeth users. I looked at it a while back (when I got my Harbeth M30s) and my recollection is that, frankly, Harbeth is... 
Vacuum tubed tone control???
It's taken me this long to figure it out, but McIntosh offers a "high dollar" pre-amp with tone controls! I think it's the C2200, or something like that. According to the reviews, it's pretty good. That having been said, I wonder what it sounds li... 
Vacuum tubed tone control???
Talon4 and Tvad are making very real points that shouldn't require Nomex suits in order to voice safely.For 18 months during 2004-2005, I was living as an expat in an apartment in Holland, and had to "make do" with a simple Linn Klassic system tha... 
Linn CD12 vs. EMM CDSA
The CDSA was slower than the Linn, but it didn't strike me as that big a deal. I was prepared for the CDSA to be a bit cranky based upon previous experiences with the older two-box EMM (which was indeed cranky). The CDSA seemed better in this rega... 
Linn CD12 vs. EMM CDSA
By the way, I should note that the turntable we were listening to was actually a Nottingham. (I got the name mixed up, above.) 
Linn CD12 vs. EMM CDSA
Interface? I'm sorry, I'm not sure what you mean. Happy to give my impression if you'll give me some assistance. 
Vacuum tubed tone control???
A company called PSE used to make a hybrid pre-amp that had tone controls of an unusual design. As I understand it, the tone control switches somehow adjusted the current to the tubes as you switched them...which didn't interfere with the signal p... 
Harbeth Experts
Glai - Can't resist this further question as well: How does the Avalon sound compare to the Harbeths? I've been interested in Avalons b/c Steve Huntley, who has modified my pre-amp and Wadia CD player, likes them, and I like his work. But I also l... 
Avalon Ascendants - How is the treble?
The M30's are quite good, and I'm not sure I'll do anything. Part of my interest in the Avalons is because I've been very happy with Steve Huntley's work from Great Northern Sound. He's now done both an ARC LS-15 for me, and I just got back my Wad... 
Harbeth Experts
Glai - For what it is worth, I am using all Cardas Cross in my system--interconnect and speaker cable. I landed on Cardas Cross (as opposed to Golden Cross, Purist Audio, Audioquest and something else I can't remember) after several months of audi...