
Responses from everest_audio

ProAc D28 vs Usher Dancer Mini 2
Mc4b, the new models with DMD tweeters are a little slow getting out in Canada. I was able to get a pair of the Mini Dancer 2 Diamonds for a customer of mine, and even new out of the box I really liked what I heard with the new DMD tweeter. I real... 
ProAc D28 vs Usher Dancer Mini 2
The Dancer series going forward will all use the DMD tweeter. 
Best Integrated, period.
I'm sure the Dartzeel is an awesome piece. It was just reviewed by "What Hi-Fi?" which is rather strange. They liked it, but they certainly weren't in love with it. How is it that they reviewed a Dartzeel piece? That's way outside of their normal ... 
ProAc D28 vs Usher Dancer Mini 2
In regards to the diamond tweeters, you want may to read through the following thread:http://www.audionervosa.com/index.php?topic=2091.0Here's one quote:"The new Diamonds are better... somehow finding a way to be more resolving, while at the same ... 
Bel Canto Ref1000 MkII or Accuphase A-20
The MkII (now called REF1000M) definitely takes things further than the original REF1000. The addition of a custom input stage board and another board with a custom power stage make the REF1000M a different beast and hence the higher price. So, I ... 
Mac 402 or 501 for B&W 802D?
Stl114_nj, his room is open to a fairly large area and he does enjoy really cranking them up at times. But, in my opinion, you're not seeing at all that these speakers can do unless you hit them with some very serious power. You can never go wrong... 
Mac 402 or 501 for B&W 802D?
A friend of mine has the 802D's and made the progression from 402 to 501 monos to 1.2Kw monos. He felt that the move from the 402 to the 501 was a huge improvement, but that they really only came into their own with the 1.2KW monos. They really ta... 
Most musical integrated amp you have heard?
Chapter Audio Precis 250S. It's the best I've personally heard and is what I listen to daily. It has loads of power too. However, you can take this with a grain of salt if you want as I am a Chapter Audio dealer. Dealer or not though, I think it i... 
are subwoofers anti-audiophile?
I have a small room, but still like a full bass response, so a sub works great. Any speaker that gives the full range sound I prefer on its own would overload the room. So, I can go with a standmounter or small floorstander and then add a high qua... 
Review: : M-CD Mat :The Millennium CD Mat: Tweak
I've been using the Millenium CD Mat with the Oppo BDP-83 and haven't noticed any of the problems mentioned by Jedinite24. 
What companies, out of Business, did you LOVE???
Audio Concepts Inc. (ACI). Their Titan sub was a gem and Mike had a great repuation with his customers. 
Name your lame duck artist........
Rod Stewart joins Bolton for me on that list. 
NAD vs. Cambridge Audio
Hieule5, all of the Cambridge pieces have pre-outs with the exception of the 340A. Hooking up a sub is not a problem at all. 
Which cable do you think is most important?
InterconnectsSpeaker cablespower cordsI've had the most success with a top down approach. Source interconnects first, preamp to power amp interconnects second, speaker cable third, and power cords last. This is not a hard set rule by any means tho... 
Wondering about Usher Mini Dancers
I listen to the Mini Dancer 1's every day in my system. They are both excellent value for the money. You can take that with a grain of salt if you want since I am an Usher dealer. The better upstream components you feed them, the more they respond...