
Responses from evanpress

How to prevent visitors from touching your system
Re:  Deadhead 1000 and people touching my things. "Besides, it was a just a record, my nephew is more important."  So obvious, but so true.   Are you sure you are a true audiophile?    
$50k - $80k Budget…Opinions please.
If you have a large living room and either live alone or with a very understanding spouse/partner, I would bring a few of my favorite cds to listen to Magnepan 20.7 speakers ($20K).  They are great for the jazz you like.  
Appropriate Apple table for Roon
I use a dedicated MacBook Air (M2) with a 2 TB hard-drive for both my Roon Core and for my music library.  I have a Roon Ready Moon 390 preamp as the endpoint (receives signal from my laptop).  I also have Roon on an old iPad Mini.  That works fin... 
Roon….The Gordon Knot of concierge musical services?
I've had Roon for about six months.  Not being an engineer, the learning curve was a little steep.  But ultimately worth it.  I installed the core on a dedicated MacBook Air (M2) with a 2TB hard drive on which I have my music library.  I also have... 
What should my heirs do to dispose of my vinyl and CDs?
I'm an audiophile and retired CFP(r), financial advisor.  I worked in an office that was mainly a trust and estate law.  Saw way too many families fight over inheritances, especially valuable collections/items. My suggestion is to simplify as muc... 
What to do with my legacy CD collection?
Pre-Covid, I had two bookcases full of CDs in the garage, buried behind everything else.  I rarely listened to them.  Ripped them all to the hard drive of a dedicated laptop that streams to my stereo.  Now I listen to them all the time.  I just hi... 
un-becoming an audiophile
In the car, with the factory audio (old BMW), the music sounds great. In the gym, with ear buds, the music pushes me a little harder.  Sounds great. At home, with huge Magnepan 20.7s, which my wife insists are too big and I have to get rid of th...