

Responses from evank

Krell amp with Zu Essence speaker
I got to listen to the Essence during Ron's Zu House Party Tour and we pushed everything through them up to 250 watts and they really shined with the extra power. They try to package it with a Peachtree Nova but in the opinion of everyone who was ... 
Peachtree Decco vs. MF V-DAC
I don't think it's a stupid question. I'd like to know also. I would think the decco. I believe the dac was designed by Scott Nixon who's dacs get great reviews 
Speaker Recomendations w/ Emotiva XPA-2
I had gret success using that amp with my Salk Songtowers 
Has anyone compared Emotiva amps to high end amps?
I am comparing an xpa-2 to a pair of Butler 2250's run mono . Can let you know soon 
PS Audio Trio C-100 low input normal?
And remember these use gain control which is not the same as a volume control 
PS Audio Trio C-100 low input normal?
my P200 which is similar only has to be at 1100 and it is loud.I would think the TT would require more volume but not the Sony 
Squeezebox replay gain ?
What about the bit rate limiting and this Lame for mp3 thing 
Do all Class D amps lack soundstage depth?
If he is planning on running 2 A100 amps it will not work. They are not bridgeable and they are already a Dual Mono design. 
Do all Class D amps lack soundstage depth?
I am running a Trio A100 with the matching Preamp P200 and I think it depends where you have your speakers. If I pull my speakers out from the wall about 3FT I get better depth ,but that is not convenient for the family so I am stuck with them abo... 
Do you need a DAC for internet radio only?
I use a Music Hall 25.2 dac with my Squeezebox classic strictly for streaming from Pandora and Rhapsody and it has added more weight and definition to the mp3 streams. 
music hall 25.2 DAC mod
Well I took the advice above and tried the JJ6922 tube and immediately noticed a more liquid sound and greater depth and seperation. Only thing is, the one I ordered does not have gold pins. I do not know if that will matter much ? 
Dac for rock and not so good recordings Tube?
Music Hall 25.2 dac