
Responses from eugeneli

Mac MC240
Dear friends,Thanks for all the inputs. I definitely agree with Chang's comment on the clear top RCA 12au7. I have a matched pair. It is good but all depend on which preamp you used. I don't think I have the long plate of the Mullard 12ax7 (or I m... 
Mac MC240
Thanks again Chang. (By the way, are you the Chang of the "Chang" filter?) I'll have a look in my tubes drawer and see whethe rI have the 7316 (most probably not), then I'll take your advise to try the Telef diamond bottom 12au7. Really.....I have... 
Mac MC240
Thanks Chang. For the Amperex 12au7, do I need the bugle boy or just amperex from USA (or Holland) is good? For the power tubes, I'll stick with my RCA 6L6GC black plate. Did you do the silver cable yourself? Or actually you have some for sale?Tha...