

Responses from ethos4lyfe

ATI 6007 v. Krell Chorus
Appreciate your help - you helped me w/ some amp questions years ago. So it seems that maybe I'll get some more highs with adding this amp - not a bad addition since I listen to music a bit more now, and love movies w/ very msuical soundtracks 
ATI 6007 v. Krell Chorus
@auxinput Great, I will say - the Krell seems to provide a great bass response. When you say a bit thin - you don't think it would sound bad correct? Interesting you say that because I've read that my 8805 tends to roll off the high frequencies as... 
Martin Logan ESL 9 CLASSIC
I'm having an issue w/ my sellers side on the site here...I responded to your question though - mine are still available, let me know if you want to discuss further!  
Focal for HT usage?
I just listened....really enjoyed them. Was only able to hear 2 channel unfortunately. But, I must say, they did sound better than my Ethos speakers. However, this was w/ a high quality streamer in a closed off room - opposite of what I do for mus... 
Focal for HT usage?
I have a Marantz 8805 processor, paired w/  Krell Chorus 5200. I think I'm good power wise LOL 
Focal for HT usage?
Thx for the info. I have the Martin Logan Ethos. Beautiful for music, okay for movies. Looking for something a little punchier and dynamic for those movie soundtracks. Will look at the model you mentioned as well  
Thinking of upgrading to ML ESL 11 or 13a. Thoughts?
And now wavering back to ML haha. I am adding more music into our routine, so maybe stickign w/ something thats good all aroudn is best for me. Would the Ethos to 11a be a substantial move? Or am I better off going to 13a for  noticeable bump? 
Thinking of upgrading to ML ESL 11 or 13a. Thoughts?
Great, thanks for the responses. I may try a Tekton Moab out - apparently its great for HT usage...and if I don't like after the 60 day trial, Ill go montis maybe 
Best speakers for HT usage?
I actually randomly heard those at Magnolia the other day. Def. some good slam in them.  
Thinking of upgrading to ML ESL 11 or 13a. Thoughts?
Yeah, I also like the smaller cabinet design on the Montis. I guess I'm more curious if the panel is "better". I have read that they made improvements, but outside of the bigger panel creating louder sound, not sure if it will improve the quality ... 
Best speakers for HT usage?
I would say $5-6K max after I sell my Ethos speakers. I do some music as well, but primarily HT. So something thats good all round, but great for movies. If that makes sense. Or if it exists! LOL 
Best speakers for HT usage?
Oh, I guess I'm talking sonically - I hvaen't mixed brands before, I've been led to believe that you want the frontstage to all match brandwise? But maybe not as important as I thought? 
Help picking an amplifier
I ended up getting a Krell Chorus 5200...its amazing. I also went separates, and have a Marantz 8805 to pair w/ it....my oh my! 
Swapping Receivers due to 4K HDR passthrough - thoughts on Yamaha?
man oh man, i love this sound! i have always heard about the benefits of separates, but truly hearing it for the first time is amazing. first thing i turned on was the world series and the announcers just had so much clarity. i'm honestly blown aw... 
Swapping Receivers due to 4K HDR passthrough - thoughts on Yamaha?
Well, I went to Magnolia and tested their Yamaha 5100 processor w/ my same line of tv, with my cables and PS4 - all resolutions and HDR worked. Seems its an issue w/ the Marantz 7012. I think I'm making the change tomorrow. Very strange that I hav...