
Responses from ethanh

Jolida 202a Tube Rolling Question 12ax7 12at7
I strongly agree with the above posts recommending new 12AX7s. The EH12AX7s were the stock preamp tubes in my amp and replacing them definitely yielded the the most noticeable and profound changes in sound. I found the the Groove Tubes GT12AX7M to... 
Advice for music outdoors
I work as an installer for these type of systems, as well as security and home theater. The volume controls are convenient to have, and I wouldn't shy away from them over concerns about degradation in sound quality. Just be sure to get one designe... 
Jolida 102B with Athena S3 speakers?
I imagine you ought to be alright pairing a 102B with your athenas as long as you don't listen to your system loudly, don't need substantial bass depth and/or authority, and don't listen to complex music. Really, if I were you I would try to save ... 
Sharing tube experiences with Cayin TA30/PrimaLuna
Upscale, my apologies for implying any similarities between the two amps if no such similarity exists. I would hate to mislead your custormers, as I am one. Actually, I was led to believe that they are nearly identical except for the autobias circ... 
Sharing tube experiences with Cayin TA30/PrimaLuna
That's interesting about the 6L6. I've only tried the tubes I mentioned, so I'm nowhere near an "authority" on the TA30. In fact, right before I got my current tube selection dialed in (New Sensor/Svet EL34, GT 12AX7M , Mazda 12AU7 Chrome Plate) I... 
B&W 602s3 or JM lab 707s for my Nad c320bee
Just thought I'd chime in and say that I own the 602s2 and I'm a Peter Tosh fan, and I think the speakers have exceptional performance for reggae music. The metal dome tweeter isn't the best match for bright or harsh electronics (or poorly recorde... 
Cayin TA 30 vs. PrimaLuna Prologue
yeah, I just realized that my post reads like the two can only take 6550 and KT88. I meant to say that it can take those tubes in addition to the ones used in the prologue one. Thanks for pointing that out. 
Cayin TA 30 vs. PrimaLuna Prologue
The Cayin and Primalunas look very similar and probably have quite a few things in common as far as parts go too. The major difference between the two is that the Primalunas come with an autobias feature and the Cayins do not. Depending on who you... 
Best movies last two years
"Syriana" was very good. Better than "Traffic" in my opinion. Personally, I can't wait to see "The New World" and "Miami Vice," as Terrence Malick and Michael Mann are two of my favorite directors. 
Eastern Electric/Manley
You may want to look at the Prima Luna offerings. They're quite popular and seem to be a superb value. The prologue two sounds like it might deliver what you want, as the KT88 tube compliment tends to have more bass and speed than the EL34 based P... 
Why are CDs so hard to open?
In case you don't already know, it's alot easier to just unhinge and then pull apart the covers to get the sticker off rather than peel away at it's corners with your thumbnail or whatever. 
Jolida 302B/502B?
I wouldn't rush on the sub. You can always see how it sounds without it and then decide. I thought I was going to need one when I got my Cayin but now I honestly don't even feel like I'm missing all that much. I'd still like to try a really nice s... 
Jolida 302B/502B?
The 302 and 502 use different power tubes (EL34 for the 302 and KT88/6550 I believe for the 502). Considering this if vocals are more important to you than bass the 302 ought to be a no brainer (the EL34 is typically considered the best non-SET mi... 
digital upgrade opinions
thanks for the advice! I was already leaning towards a DAC rather than a new CDP (although the modded Music Hall player looks pretty nice). Some of the DACs I've been looking at are the Bel Canto DAC2, the Benchmark, and the Audio Mirror. My amp i... 
Good Multi channel tube amp for $1000
hello, you may want to consider Jolida. They make a three channel hybrid amplifier (1703) that can be mated with one of their two channel amps through the JD-50 (I think that's the correct product name) which basically acts as a remote control pre...