
Responses from ethan_winer

Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
But Geoff, you’re the plaintiff. You are the one denying what science knows about how sound propagates, and what my article has proven, so it’s up to you to prove my article is wrong. You know you can’t do that, so you try to convince yourself it’... 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
Okay, one more, I can't resist: "We had an interesting incident near Humboldt State University. A new cell tower went up and the local newspaper asked a number of people what they thought of it. Some said they noticed their cell phone reception wa... 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
No, the burden of proof is on those making the claim. Logic 101 teaches that you can't prove a negative.So yet again we reach a stalemate where someone who believes in magic has time to make more than 14,000 posts (!), yet claims to be "too busy"... 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
I've been a professional audio engineer and musician for more than 45 years, and deeply into acoustics for the past 20 years. So I have a good handle on what happens in rooms, how things sound and are measured, and - maybe most important - why peo... 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
Where is your room? Near me in western Connecticut? I’m always willing to drive up to an hour each way, or even two.But otherwise, no, it doesn’t make sense. Just because you can feel your floor give when you jump up and down is unrelated to wheth... 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
LOL, so much hand wringing (Ethan's here, oh no! A definite turn for the worse) yet no proof that isolation does anything. Of course, as mentioned in my article, I'm not talking about turntables or earthquake level vibration. Just normal sound in ... 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
Edit: Okay, I do understand why people who sell solutions to non-existent problems are willing to promote magical thinking. But why do consumers fall for this stuff? 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
Why does it matter if a laser shows that the surface of a loudspeaker enclosure moves? How much movement is needed to make an audible difference? I'll never understand why some people are so willing to measure the wrong things and come to a wrong ... 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
I just realized the topic of this thread is vibration isolation. I love this topic! Why? Because it's so easy to prove or disprove by measuring. But who has ever done that? Well, I did not long ago. Enjoy: 
Do equipment stands have an impact on electronics?
Thanks for pointing me to this thread. Yeah, "revisionist" is the right word. :->)Here’s the thing: When someone makes a claim, the burden of proof is on them. It’s not up to me to prove that a 2 volt drop doesn’t have an audible effect. It’s u...