
Responses from ericvm

Using my new Nu PC Audio card
Hi Mark,I am using my Home Theatre PC connected to my Nakamichi pre. Works great! (see my original post). Any thing on this PC can run through the #2 Cassette input output. If you have access to your FLAC USB on your computer....wa-la!  :) 
Does Age Matter?
I'm pushing 63 and I prefer vinyl. I like the analog crosstalk and holding my music. To each his/her own I feel. :)  
Name a few albums which helped determine your musical tastes
in Grade school - I had a brother 4 years olderThe Beatles (aka white album) Jefferson Airplane - Crown of Creation (Lather :) )Mothers of Invention (Anyway the Wind Blows)in JR High - Frank Zappain High School (very high)Roxy MusicDavid BowiePink... 
What kind of music do you like to hear the most?
Old electronic/industrial (I'm over 60)Listen to this on your Super Stereo (recommend not to loud - not to low)Throbbing Gristle's 50 Jazz Funk Greats   Hot On Heels of Love (Remastered) a side note: The album cover photo is at the cliff famous ... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Alice Cooper - Welcome To My Nightmare 
1st Album you Ever Owned?
Deep Purple ‎– Fireball ... and I remember playing it on my "record player" which had speakers on it. I was 14 and bought this record with the money I earned being a paper boy. I delivered the paper everyday...and hated Sunday's, a big ass paper... 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Low - David Bowie 
Apparently new artist don't even know what a melody is and drum machines suck
Sam there, I think today's drum machines aren't machines, they are computer and lifeless. A computer that simply emulates something like the classic Roland CR-78 and such. 
ls FM radio even listenable any more?
Hi Sam there I think the iPod killed the radio not the dynamic compression. I believe you give to much credit to the mainstream majority Joe and Jane's who listen to music..   
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Jefferson Airplane Crown of Creation 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
801 Live 
can i recreate the sound of vinyl by encoding the vinyl frequencies onto digital audio?
Sam, I got it right off the bat The vinyl has more crosstalk which I like. 
Whats on your turntable tonight?
Kaelan Mikla - Manadans 
Will a $700 turntable outperform a CD player?
it's ok to have both, then you'll know 
Anyone remember the lateral tracking Bang and Olufsen record player from the 80’s??
I repaired them at a dealership. The buyers, and their money, loved them. Generally always sold with a B & O system. Just seemed right. The issue they had was a photo cell would fail on the tone arm if I remember correctly. Now....the Dragon! ...