
Responses from eric535c05

Power Cable - what´s your best?
Pure Note Paragon, $250 when they are on sale. Nice and flexible, black background, no compression. FWIW. 
Pure Note Cerulean
I agree with Transl but will say the Paragon i/c is a much better choice than the Cerulean. 
Pure Note Paragon vs. Kimber Select
Probably too new to tell yet on Paragons. I have had mine (interconnects) for about a week and they are a much better match in my system. The Pure Note Cerulean was excellent but the Paragon is really a step up and they cost a little less. I have ... 
Xindak FA-Gold or PureNote Cerulean
Pure Note Ceruleans are nirvana on my tenor amps. The build quality also compares to cables worth thousands more. 
Pure Note Cerulean
I use the Cerulean cables on my Plinus SA102 amp (solid state). Very sweet with no glassy edge. Key is to break them in as directed. Just because they are silver does not mean they must only be used with tube electronics. I believe Pure Note is ha... 
Name 1 Cable in your system you could not live w/o
Like my Pure Note Ceruleans system wide. Unless I want to spend 5 times the price of these I will keep them. 
Verdict on Pure Note, Ridge Street w solid state ?
My vote also goes to Pure Note. I have listened to their cables on both tube and solid state gear. The cables are smooth yet dynamic. IMO, there is no cable on the market, even at 4x the price, that compares to Epsilon Reference version four. Pure... 
Flexible power cable
Pure Note Sigma. I can bend it almost 90* and up against the wall (no damage). Excellent sonics too. 
Is a cable cooker worth it?
I agree with your findings Drubin. I temporarily damaged both my Pure Note and Acoustic Zen cables using the Audiodharma. I had to upgrade the cables since I did not want to wait for recovery. 
How would you rate ???
Add Pure Note Epsilon Reference. Bettered all listed and very close to Acoustic Zen Hologram II. 
Other "silver" spk cables.....
Pure Note if your budget is over $1k. 
DIY balanced interconnects
Pure Note is blowing out some Neutrik XLRs for $1. They only have females but it will save you a few bucks. 
Proper Cable Placement.
I bought some of the wire clamps from Pure Note to keep my cables apart. They sell 5/16" and 3/8" diameters. See their speaker cables to get an idea what they look like: 
Gamut CD-1 Please help me with PC choice
Take a look at the Pure Note Sigma, 
PC's for tubes?
Pure Note Sigma: