
Responses from episteme

VPI RCM Vacuum Wand Velvet Strips
I have never actually experimented with different strips, but I'm very interested in the solutions you all mention. One thing to keep in mind is that you do not want the replacement strips to be absorbing the fluid on the record as it passes over ... 
Clearaudio Smart Matrix RCM?
My advice is not to buy the Smart Matrix if you're primarily looking for a machine quieter than the VPI. It is not. You are better ff saving your money and using the VPI with the lid closed. 
Best Benny Goodman recordings
I second any of the small group recordings with Charlie Christian. 
Anyone muffel a VPI 16.5
Two suggestions I have tried:1. Obviously, if you are worried about the noise, you should close the lid when you vaccuum. This alone will be a slight reduction.2. Place the machine on top of piece of carpet. My machine placed on my bare shelf runs... 
Tweaking my new Rega P1: How much is too much?
I agree with the other posters. Definitely do not put any more money into that table. Sell it and purchase a Rega deck higher up the line. 
Buying Bookshelves, I love B&W but....
You should seriously consider a used pair of Tyler Acoustics Taylor Reference Monitors with matching stands. I had a pair that replaced B&W CDM1NT speakers on Target welded steel stands. They absolutely killed the B&W's in every way and ac... 
Nordost Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma?
I can't give you details, but the Vishnu is a significant step up from the Shiva. I liked the Shiva on my CDP, but the Vishnu just sounds tremendous. (I did not a/b them directly.) Definitely worth the listen. 
Music Matters first 2 releases.
I believe I read somewhere that there will be. I may be mistaken, but I believe the pressing runs have been increased for the rest of the series (to #2500), likely due to demand. You can contact Music Matters directly. 
Which Davies' Kind of Blue CD sounds better?
This isn't going to be very helpful for you, but the absolute best CD copy of this album I've heard was a recording of the original mono LP a friend of mine made. This smokes the old Sony Gold CD from the 1990's (which is good, as well). You can h... 
Equipment furniture ... need help
Yes, the salamander twin 20 is available and it will work well. Another option (depending on size) is the triple 20. I just got one and I much prefer it to my older "single" 40. There is a triple 20 for sale on ebay now. If you happen to live by t... 
Review: ZYX R100H cartridge
Thanks for the review. I've been curious about this cart. Could you provide details about how the ZYX compares to the Blackbird? 
CES Day 1 Photo Gallery
Thanks for posting these. That Macintosh Turntable looks killer! 
Speakers that mate well with Plinius 9200
It would be helpful to know more about the general sound you prefer, but I have been using a Plinius 8200 MkII for a few years now. I really liked my Tyler Acoustics Taylo Reference Monitors (with Taylo stands). The system sounded so good that I a... 
grateful dead dick's picks
Tda44:Downloading is the way to go, definitely. There are some tremendously good sounding shows out there for free (better than many of the Dick's Picks I have). The place you want to go is here:http://bt.etree.org/At the top of the page, there is... 
Which Jazz Albums are similar to Kind of Blue
the Cannonball Adderly album is a good suggestion.I would also highly recommend two albums by Bill Evans (the pianist on most of Kind of Blue): "Waltz for Debby" and "Sunday at the Village Vanguard" (in that order). Awesome albums, and I think you...