
Responses from enjoy_the_music

Using Japan 100V Accuphase amp in US 120V. Safe?
No you're wrong Dazzdax...i've just converted my E-550 to run on 230V...all models can be converted to any voltage.Who cares about warranty when Accuphase lasts a lifetime...Cyuagain...i guess you bought from Georgia_on_my_mind...he is a well know... 
What sounds more musical than audionote equipment
Hi,Well i travel to asia sometimes to collect and make contacts to import new hifi bits and pieces. I've heard a good few systems and yes i believe AN is excellent.I think many of owners of the best systems i've heard have totally left the particu... 
What new amp for my Merlins
I was looking at the ARS Sonum but the word is the Berning ZH-270 is better...However like the previous guy said before the Dodd audio 120's are what people are upgrading to, from Bernings! 
Yeah they're nowhere near the NS1000mThey do not have beryllium drivers that make the 1000M, 1000X and NS-2000 so special...Richard 
Audio Physic Caldera mkii...still good?
Unbelieveably i havent yet! They are on their way from Switzerland hopefully this week. I had to postpone payment due to a family member having an accident.I'll let you know!Richard 
Recommend used digital source for $3K used
I recommend either an older Sony cdp or Accuphase with a good seperate DAC.Or, buy a CEC TL51xz or another nice CEC transport. Very nice sounding units for less then $3k.OR! the new Lyngdorf (TACT) CD1...apparently this is stunning. 
Reference Transports: An overall perspective
Yes...and Victor. My XL-Z900 has one of the finest transports ever. It is the same as the one used on the Reimyo 777 copy...it is japan only! So are the Sony R-series...far better than any ES series units...also japan only. They have super expensi... 
Audio Physic Caldera mkii...still good?
Hi there,Ok! Yeah i always wanted some AP's. I love speakers that can disappear and image well. I hope they image as good (hopefuly even better) than the Virgo III's.The Dynaudio Confidence 5 speakers were my favourite ever i think. It will take s... 
Yamaha CX-10000 centennial preamp
Yeah i think its worth substantially more than the bluebook price. A fellow Yammie collector told me that the last CX-10000/MX-10000 combo sold to a US guy for $10000. I import the NS-1000X and NS-2000 from japan to sell on uk ebay. Never seen a p... 
Reimyo 777 vs Victor XL-Z900....amazing
Well the XL-Z900 was around before the Reimyo. Reimyo simply took the transport and K2 architecture. I'm sure there are more fancy bits but for transport purposes its fine. 'In the case of the CDP-777, Japan Victor contributed its revolutionary Ex... 
Reference Transports: An overall perspective
Dan - very interesting. Would love to be there!Will check out the reports on the show asap. Will try out the CD1 asap.Richard 
Reference Transports: An overall perspective
Hi,Have heard about the CD1 only by reputation...certainly sounds nice and will be a nice synergy. May try it out.Richard 
Reimyo 777 vs Victor XL-Z900....amazing
Both the XL-Z900 and XL-Z1000 use the K2 V2...the latest ones anyway. You can also buy the matching DAC to further enhance performance.Thing is if you use it as purely a transport there is no difference at all. The Victor also is very good for mod... 
Reference Transports: An overall perspective
Hi there,They definitely contribute to the sonic signature..they are fundemental to it!My favourite transports (that i own) are all proprietary. They are also some of the best ever:1. Sony CDP-R10 (less than 100 made for sony top brass)2. Victor X... 
Reimyo 777 vs Victor XL-Z900....amazing
Hi,I manage to convert most of it myself. Some of it i tend to keep running at 100/120V through a good power converter. The Victor XL-Z900 is a stunning machine and looks very similar to the Reimyo. They should never have mentioned it in the revie...