
Discussions elunkenheimer has started

Croft Acoustcs Vitale - request for US service? 20145
Any of you experiment with optimal VTA for Benz Micro Cartridges 963729
VansEvers Clean Lines Jr - Analog - two toggles - which does what?21961
Graham 1.5T/C & 2.0T/C Tonearm - bias weight calibration notches corresponding values?24164
MIT Z-Stabilizer - original with two-way switch on front - anybody know why two settings? 31844
Volume Control setting corresponds to how many db down (-db) from 0db at full volume?323011
Setting cathode bias in my tube amps manually, how accurate must I be?25683
Grace 707 with Grace F9Ruby on modified, veneered Pioneer PL-530 Table - How to sell?21927
Cartridge Demagnetization: Moving Magnet/Iron vs Moving Coil Processes40937
Finding reasonable Shipping for heavy, crated speakers to ship cross-country16476
Recommendations for retipping service for my Benz-Micro?747110
Goldmund Cones, "Best of" in their day, still useful? under what component?48402
Anyone familiar with Buggtussel Amygdala speakers and what their worth?53277
7591 PushPull Amp Adjustable Bias Voltage Setting36381
6SN7 to 6F8G conversion for Cary monoblocks?21280