
Responses from ellery911

brass outlet covers...anyone try them? Sound good
Why stop at the outlet covers?I've got a connection for "audiophile grade"(AG) sheetrock for only $400 a sheet.Sure...some of you are thinking...why in the hell would I spend $400 for a 4x8 piece of sheetrock that I can get at Lowes for less than ... 
Cars. What does the typical audiophile drive?
Don't tell me you wouldn't take a BMW 507 Bio.Alfas are cool though...old ones that is. 
Trying to extract more from my Vandersteen
My Dad has the 2ce sigs also. I hooked up a Bryston B-60 which delivers nice highs on my B&W CDM1nt's and although it sounded good...it still is as you say..."veiled".Interestingly enough...I recently swapped out the Bryston for my Dad's old F... 
Best sonics/music on CD
I have found that on my *lower* end system that some cd's have their "diamonds" or so to speak whereas most of the disc is sonically lacking for some reason in my opinion. I would assume that some of this is a limitation of my system but never the... 
Wilson Maxx and Maxx II Differences ?
One mans "OK" is another mans heaven...it's all relative I guess.You got any "really crappy" stuff you wanna let go cheap doc? ;o) 
Is it worth upgrading B&W DM303 to B&W CM2?
My thoughts exactly Tvad...GREAT REPLY!!! 
Is it worth upgrading B&W DM303 to B&W CM2?
B&W SE306EiB&W EX900SEiare these actually B&W models? I have never heard of them before. Could someone provide links? Bartok? 
How much better is the Krell 400xi compared to the
Hope this helps...one of your old posts..."Wont go wrong with either, just dont go for the 300i.The newer Krells are wonderful, smooth too.If anyone were to tell you the Krells are bright, email me please. Either they got a wrong match or poorly s... 
Your Future System, within reach
Whatever you tell me is the best oh almighty one. 
The Search
Burt...I mean Bart....that's like Simpson right?I just have one question...why was it necessary to change your agon SN?well...2 questions.After people make you look like a fool over and over...are you gonna change it again? 
Speakers Like Merlin VSM?
ok...since we have both parties here...Bobby & Allan...and I assume that you guys are gonna be checking back on this thread.oh...BTW...I'm not even part of the above fight...however...with regards to Merlin...I dig the looks...hear pretty much... 
Zu Druid IV - the real deal?
Audiofeil...I think that Newbees post was somewhat tongue-in-cheek...at least that's what I got out of it.How many billions is our national deficit up to now Bartok?and now...back to your regularly scheduled programming on....the ZU channel 
Zu Druid IV - the real deal?
Bartokfan....you ever hear of "reading between the lines"? 
I'm Looking For the Best
how could I possibly not come out of the woodwork for this one.as everybody says...the "best"...(or bestest if you prefer) is objective...or is that subjective?...well...whichever.my suggestion is to try complete auditory deprivation for say...a y... 
you could always run your old IC's through a short length of garden hose.that would be phat!