
Discussions elegal has started

North Creek Kits: good good to be true16241
Klipsch Palladium's25373
Would a MC275 VI work well with Thiel CS2.7?24064
Help me find WARM speakers a la Sonus Faber1919641
Looking for Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington LP230910
The State of Jazz1012346
XLR or RCA?2058932
Bolero:why can't my system reproduce snare well?1758870
Martin Logan SL3's I am lovin' them.18644
Upgrade power cord for MC 275 and c2300?28964
Bi-wire: is it worth it?2253346
Can my MC275 power speakers with 91db sensitivity1390332
turntable mats: should I use one?1068824
Front Ported v. Rear Ported Speakers427711
Good speakers to be placed close to rear wall515717