
Responses from electroid

CD players for soundstage depth
I agree w/sugar - especially room acoustics ET 
Affordable interconnect for warm system
I second anticables. They have a silver w/silver Eichmanns that's not listed on the site. It's his topline. But even the basic @ 100 is great. ET 
Will adding a preamp dramatically change my sound?
Yes, and it could be for the worse. Try before you buy. Sometimes less is more. ET 
Amp upgrade question
Thanks Aball-I've got a CJ PV-1 w/2AR upgrade and other tweaks along with the 2100 which I will try to sell. I can always go back to just the 2500A till I get the bucks and find the "right" amp for the top. Too bad I sold my Eico HF-60's about 5 y... 
Amp upgrade question
I used to run the 2500 full range, then added bi-wire(big help) and then finally adding the 2100 which really improved coherence and added dimension to the soundstage. An overall improvement for sure. HF was about identical in tone quality, no dow... 
Balanaced Power Tech v. PS Audio
Ait: no I mean 120hz, 120Volts. It doesn't hurt anything, I have no AC motors that need 60hz etc. 120hz jut pulses the current twice as fast. Really brings out the soundstage compared to 60hz in my setup. ET 
Speakers and depth...
The room is very important for this as is placement. Got any room treatment? ET 
Calling all passive bi-ampers
Thanks all. As I said I was contemplating changing the input coupling cap on the HF power amp, not a preamp. The peak lights in the amp never light up from bass frequencies so as Nj said yes I too believe the amp responds to the load. I just thoug... 
A Question About Power-Noisy
It's not the room. ET 
A Question About Power-Noisy
keep your ALL your cables away from each other. Don't lay AC across speaker wire on let AC cables get near interconnects. This may help and costs zero dollars. ET 
Recommend some SACD's?
Yo Miles!!! Both releases are double CD's, phenominal performance and the best fidelity and image combo I've heard on SACD. They can be had for a lowly $21 at the Cuneiform label website: www.waysidemusic.comput yo miles in the search box. ET 
Acme silver fuses
As with all Acme products I would consult Wylie Coyote. He has the most experience with the entire product line over the last 50 years. ET < clown 
Is this when you have "arrived??"
Very funny Chad-Thanks! 
Biamp a Bryston 4b sst Bass with a Classe ca3200
Don't forget input impedance. Is this proposed bi-amp passive or active? If active you'll be fine. ET 
Balanaced Power Tech v. PS Audio
I use a PS Audio P-300 regenerator on my front end devices. The older power plants are balanced, the newer ones like the PPP are not. I don't like regenerators for amps or high current devices. I could not live w/o my P-300 it makes a great differ...