Responses from ejlif
Reccomend a good preamp for me. I have been on a bit of a merry go round with gear but I think I will be settling on the Decware Zen Triode amp and I also probably keep around the Pass 30.8 as well. Speakers will be Klipsch Forte III and maybe going to upgrade to Cornwall once ... | |
Disappointment with Pass Labs - I'm looking for something else I have the Klipsch Forte III. I also have the Pass 30.8 and a DCS Rossini DAC. I really do like the 30.8 amp, it's great with other speakers but I don't like it with the Klipsch. Personally I far and away prefer the Decware Zen Triode 2.5 watt ... | |
Maggie LRS so ridiculously good Yeah I think you'd be fine with the Classe amp. I'm running a 30 watt amp in an 18x26 room that opens to an upstair and it get loud enough for me. You aren't going to get super loud kick ass sound out of these but what they do well is pure magic... | |
Maggie LRS so ridiculously good As far as other current speakers I have. My main use speakers for a little while now has been Klipsch forte III with Decware Zen triode amp. I also have the Zu Dirty weekend (another incredible speaker for the money) I just sold My Kef Blade 2. ... | |
DCS DACs vs each other I have not compared directly to the Rossini, they are in different systems. I can say that I am very happy with the sound I am getting though. It's a little quirky how you have to go into software to change routings but other than that I think i... | |
JBL 4349 or Klipsch Cornwall IV I am also interested in the Cornwall IV and the JBL 4367 even though the big diff in price. You can get JBL heavily discounted though if you look around. I have the Forte III which I bought for my garage but ended up brining them in the house fo... | |
Decware: a worthwhile option? I got a super zen triode amp about a month ago after waiting 6 months for it to be built. Well worth the wait and a great value and I love that it’s made by people who care in the USA. I have many amps and this is as good as anything I’ve heard. I... | |
Sky HIGH fi LOL. I thought to myself. the saying sky fi where the prices are sky high. Almost wanted to message and say are you serious? | |
tube noise coming right from the tube It's brand new | |
Speaker recommendation $10-20K (with some requirements!) Dyanudios are opposite of harsh in my experience. Maybe the new versions have changed?? | |
Dynaudio resolution I've had many a set of Dynaudios including the C4s. I do think of Dynaudio house sound as a bit on the mellow side but in the best possible way. I think Kef is that way too a little bit but more of a dry sound. If you are looking for very sharp... | |
Anyone here with Magico A3 driven by Bel Canto Ref600's? To add some fuel to the fire here. I don't have the Magico speakers but I do own the Theta Prometheus class D monos and also have, First Watt J2 and F6 and Pass 30.8 also have the Decware Zen triode tube amp. I feed mine directly from a DCS Rossi... | |
High end Class D amps? I have first watt J2 and F6 and also have Theta Prometheus class D 400 watt monos. About as polar opposite as you can go. I have great thoughts of both he first watt and Theta. For sure class D can sound good anyone who lays a blanket statement... | |
I Was Considering Active, Then I Watched This ... I think this is a great post from the Audiophiliac. I personally love powered speakers and have many but they are in my secondary system. They are great for that. Steve is right though a real audiophile should have separates. If you are into th... | |
To Roon or not Another 2 thumbs up for Roon here. I love it and can't imagine life without it. |