

Responses from ehtoo

Ebony Denon DL 103. 50 years too late?
It's interesting this topic should come up just as I'm about to send my Denon 103 over for a rebuild by Frank Schroeder through the French outfit Cala Mighty Sound. Planning on spending more than others here as I'm getting the coils reformed along... 
Why are so many companies like harbeth making old speakers designs and charging thousends?
Everything, and I mean everything in the Audio world is based on old designs. As far as the cost of equipment (or everything else for that matter), we live in a world of two income earners. A coffee cost a dime in the 50's/60's. As a kid, I could ... 
Motorman's New Scam Of The Week - the miraculous Furutech LP Demagnetizer
You think the Furutech is expensive. Try the Acoustic Revive. The Walker Talisman also works, is about $200 but, it takes more effort to use. At least the Furutech or AR allow you to do lengths of cabling as well. The benefits for theirĀ use I'd de... 
Has there been any inexpensive item that enhanced your system's sound?
Pedersen arm board mod for my Gyrodec. 
Motorman's New Scam Of The Week - the miraculous Furutech LP Demagnetizer
moto-man or moto-mouth?