
Responses from ehoehn

Is SACD a dead format?
Maybe they will start developing compelling transports, DACS and cables for redbook 
Bryston 4B-SST vs. 6B-SST
Congratulations!! I own a 4BSST and love it 
Anyone listen to Dodson 218 DAC?
I own the DAC-263 and love it. I imagine the 218 is alot more of a great thing 
SAS Audio Labs 10A / 11A Preamps.
Great write up. I own the 10A and it is a wonderful linestage. Bound for Sound listed it as a Component of Eexceptional Merit in its most recent issue. What cables did you try that really improved the sound? 
Stello CDT200
I have a demo coming soon. I will post listening impressions as soon as I get it 
General transport Question
I agree!! I just don't want to swap equipment, I want a real improvement 
Is my setup mid-fi or hi-fi?
Just enjoy your system and tweak it when you think you can make a real improvement 
Please recommend a good Tube preamp.
I just purchased a SAS Audio Labs 10-A linestage. It is currently running at 1,995. It has receive rave reviews from MGD at Bound for Sound, and at the Audui Circles. I replaced a Bryston BP-20 with it that I liked very much. The strengths of the ... 
Monarchy DIP Question
I tired that. The symptoms still persist. It seems to be electrical. If I place my hand on the DIP, the music cuts out completely. I wonder if it is a grounding issue? 
Monarchy DIP Question
It does, I will try that 
Monarchy DIP Question
I have the Dodson DAC-263 which is capable o receiving up to 24 bit 96Khz. 
Best Pre-amp for the McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe
Do the McCormack amps have a low input impedance 
Bryston 3bsst Vs. Coda 11
I own the 4bsst and hav e not found it etched in the high end at all. It is neutral with pleanty of control in the bass and very natural sounding highs. It is not romantic in any sense of the word. 
Krell amps and Tube Preamps - enemies?
Take a look at the SAS 10A. Steve Sammet has designed it in such a way that DC is not present in the signal path 
Best Floorstander Under 10K?
ACI Jaguar LFM's