
Responses from ehider

Best high end monitors?
As far as a suggestion as the "best high end monitor" - I am a HUGE fan of the Ridgestreet Audio Sason granite monitor. There are many things within this speaker's design that seem to be missing from other monitors such as very unique impedance ma... 
Help with Speaker Selection
In regard to your question about your equipment, it will sound a bit dry and/or sterile, less expansive and a little hard (especially throughout the upper registers) without nearly as much "air" or "bloom" in the midrange and soundstage regions as... 
Help with Speaker Selection
Used Magnepans fit this bill quite well IMHO. They sound their absolute best in very large rooms where they can be pulled far away from the front wall. Their inherent dipolar dispersion sound pattern typically gives extra "life" and "ambience" to ... 
good speaker with Sound stage behind????
Vandersteen speakers are VERY well known to have their soundstage presented more in "the back" (and some would say Vandys are a bit "to laid back"). 
Has anybody heard the new Ultra Fi iJazz?
It is my understanding that the "next generation" Ultra-fi DAC will be at the RMAF show in both the RidgeStreet Audio room and the GR Research room. The DAC's name will be different from the "iJazz" name that was an idea the designer was consideri... all versions sound the same???
Yes, iTunes 8 does actually sound better. In a nutshell, it is slightly more "relaxed" sounding. In my book, this is a very good thing as it brings digital just a little closer to analog comparably. 
USB Cable Ridge Street Audio/Synergistic Research
I am part of a group of audiophiles that compared the Ridgestreet to Kimber to Cryoparts to Synergistic to the Belden "Gold" USB cables. The good news is that the clear winner was the Ridgestreet USB cable (by a healthy sonic margin). Every single... 
20 bit players vs. 24 bit players
To look at these D/A converter chipsets (from just their bit quantization i.e. 16, 20, 24 bits) is a VERY simplistic way of understanding these converter types. Generally speaking, the 24 bit chipsets will have the latest greatest internal noise s... 
Will a new DAC make an improvement in sound?
I also agree that Ultra-fi has a very special sounding product. Stay tuned as they are about to release another level of improvement with an even better D/A converter (before the end of August I've been told). This "next level" product from Ultra-... 
Best U.S.A. speakers?
My top ten...uh, twelve?1. Magnepan2. Ridgestreet Audio3. Merlin4. Soundlab5. Green Mountain Audio6. Joseph Audio7. Nola8. Magico9. Wilson10.Aerial*Honorable mention (too new to really know at this point) - YG Acoustics** Vandersteen would have ma... 
Small room, "budget priced" speaker advice, please
I STRONGLY second the suggestion of going with Danny Richie's new NEO 2X two-way. Danny has a very strong record of winning shootouts with his prior two-way designs (blind listening panel no less!). This is his latest design and I have yet to hear... 
Attention all Legacy Whisper owners ??
I currently have a pair of Whispers and asked these same questions. Here is what I was told. The woofer has a resistor so it can better function as a rear absorber of rear unwanted bass energy outside of the speaker. The resistor puts a load on th... 
Personal speaker evolution
Update of my current speaker list as of 2008:Infinity Juniors $400Magnepan MG-1 $600DCM TF 700 $700Acoustat 1 + 1 $1,100Polk SDA $ 1,800Magnepan MG-IIIa $ 2,600Alon IV $3,500Avalon Ascents $5,500Legacy Whisper $12,900Epiphany 20/21 $28,000Ridgestr... 
you've got $25,000.00
Wow, I was going to post then I read Mariasplunge advice. Absolutely identical to what I would say! The Teres Certus turntable, Schoeder or Triplanar tonearm, XYZ Universe or a Dynavector XV-1 cartridges. IMHO these particular analog products all ... 
What is under $5k speaker with best bass slam?
The Focus Line LS-6 from AV123 will outclass all others listed so far in terms of bass slam IMHO. Nothing that I know of can best these speakers in terms of bass slam at their price point. (They have 16 woofers total!). The MSRP of a pair of LS-6 ...