
Responses from edgewound

So done with audiophile fuses
invalid176 posts05-14-2021 4:08pmIf you cause a fire in your house one day, you will not get a penny from your insurance company if they find out, which they will.I think you are using scare tactics, an insurance company would pay. What if you j... 
So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...
jea483,581 posts05-14-2021 6:24am@ edgewoundThe signal does not flow in the wire. The signal energy flows through the space between the wires in the form of an electromagnetic wave.The signal energy does not travel back and forth as it moves at ... 
So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...
djones513,981 posts05-14-2021 11:17amhttps://products.electrovoice.com/na/en/cableloss/Figure insertion loss for your application. " The single most important piece of information on the right side of the calculator is the net power loss in t... 
So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...
andy21,294 posts05-13-2021 8:47pmNot sure why but Audioquest has a lot of hates from the "objectivist" bunch. Their dBS has generated a lot of ridicules.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dLghg0QXPzs&t=37shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gf3Yez8WT... 
So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...
Skin effect?Not at audio frequencies. 
So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...
So....now it's being said the current doesn't flow through the conductor, but the spaces between the conductors. How a bout solid conductors? What happens when you take away the conductor?Keep in mind that the discussion is about audio frequencies... 
So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...
andy21,290 posts05-13-2021 5:24pmIt’s just not true...especially for AC. The AC current travels in both directions. Here’s an easy explanation.Wrong. AC current travels in one direction. Look up Poynting vector. We’ve been through this. You’re a b... 
So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...
andy21,290 posts05-13-2021 5:24pmIt's just not true...especially for AC. The AC current travels in both directions. Here's an easy explanation.Wrong. AC current travels in one direction. Look up Poynting vector. We've been through this. You'... 
So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...
speakermaster382 posts05-13-2021 4:58pmThe reason that some manufacturers put the arrow on the wire is because they made the wire and know which way the copper was drawn through the dies when it was manufactured the other manufacturers listen fo... 
So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...
andy21,286 posts05-13-2021 2:52pmKind of funny the RF folks now are criticizing about cable directional. RF folks are known for their measurements so they have to live and die by it.If you insist on measurement, you got to put up or shut up.In ... 
So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...
nonoise7,023 posts05-13-2021 4:51pmThat's rich coming from a guy who's avatar looks like he should walking with a seeing eye dog. ...and I bet Stevie Wonder can hear better than you. 
Suggestions for rca connector - diy interconnects
Can’t go wrong with Neutrik.https://www.neutrik.com/en/products/audio/phono-rcaor Switchcraft.https://www.markertek.com/product/sw3502abau/switchcraft-3502abau-longbody-rca-male-black-gold?ne_pp... 
So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...
Science does not exist to prove or disprove human experience. Science is nothing more than a method that is has been proven to be the most reliable one for eventually figuring out how the world works.Please do try and keep these different ideas ... 
So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...
yogiboy3,973 posts05-13-2021 1:09pmFrom Chord!Almost all speaker cables, in fact almost all audio cables, be they for digital or analogue are, in our experience, directional in that the sound will be better with the cable connected in a specific... 
So you think wire conductors in cables are directional? Think again...
millercarbon9,143 posts05-13-2021 10:33amLet us just say for the sake of argument that you take a look down the street and the car parked a mile away seems to be moving around. Some people look and say no it is so far away I can hardly even tell i...