
Responses from eddy1

Static noise help please
Received Certified USB cables but no different in static noise.  I am sure double-heated USB will solve my static problem.  Will give it a try. 
Any vocals that you like?
Thank you. 
Static noise help please
ghosthouse,  Yes, I already have it and will try other too.  Thank you, 
Static noise help please
Spencer, ghosthouse,  Thank you.  I think I will do double headed USB cable myself.  I have USB certified 10 feet and 6 feet coming so I will give it a try.  But will try with 5V DC (http://www.amazon.com/Sony-CPV3-2800mAh-Portable-Supply/dp/B00FA... 
Static noise help please
After been reading so many posts and many searched, my conclusion is Dirty power (5V) from computer to the USB.  So my plan was going to cutout 5V +(Vcc) and -(Ground) cables from USB and will only run Data to DAC but found out that all Schiit nee... 
Static noise help please
ghosthouse, Yes, I tried all USB ports on my Mac and the Modi is far away from the monitor but still got static.  Will see if the certified USB would help but I don't think it would, well I will have to try.  Will report back when I the new USB co... 
Static noise help please
Thank you Spencer for your advised.  Been driving around to find Certified USB but no luck.  So I ordered Blue Jean USB online and the price is real good.  I guess I have to wait for a week to find out. 
Static noise help please
Hello ghosthouse,  This guy on Computer Audiophile had similar problem and use something similar to Audioquest Jitterbug and solved his problem.  Here is the link, the last posted shown what he used,  http://www.computeraudiophile.com/f6-dac-digit... 
Static noise help please
ghosthouse, Thank you for you responded.  The static noise is still there.  Windows were opened so I couldn't hear static at that time but after all windows closed I heard static noise again.  Did some search on Schitt Modi and found some people h... 
Static noise help please
Somehow static just disappear.   
Do I really need Desoldering for replacing resistors/caps?
Thank you very much for your advise.   
Do I really need Desoldering for replacing resistors/caps?
Thank you terry9 and Jim. 
Mogami Speaker cable question
I should have Mogami 3103 coming next week and will try them for a month to get used to the sound and then will order Canare 4S11 and will see which one I like. 
Any vocals that you like?
Thank you guys.  Keep coming.  I just did a Tidal and so much music to choose from.  Wow, lots of good musics that you guy listed sound so good.    
Do I really need Desoldering for replacing resistors/caps?
Thank you very much everyone for many good advice. Wow, I guess I will have to put a hold on recap, seem like very difficult to me. I guess I can do some resistors with no problem. Do I search for "Audio repair" online for a good qualify LOCAL tec...