
Responses from ebm

Small Footprint SS Power Amps
Go  by sound not size. 
Power Cord for Bricasti M5
Look at Tara or Purist for best sound.ASAP!! 
Magnepans and cats, do they mix?
Cats do not mix with hi end audio. 
Switching to battery power
Using battery power on my TW AC3 turntable its dead quiet and very dynamic. 
Suggestion for Audiogon Forums
Good luck with that as it will never happen. 
4 amplifiers to drive 1 pair of speakers?
Very weird idea. 
Compression Horns for Far field listening
If you desire the best look at Cessaro Wagner 1 one of the best sounding horns out there. 
Band names made up of audiophile jargon
Making a list asap!! 
EXTRA! EXTRA!! Millercarbon Proven Wrong!!! Read all about it! EXTRA! EXTRA!!
When I have an hour I may read this. 
All things being equal (hypothetical) which do you prefer, XLR or RCA?
BALANCED much quieter for my 21 foot run more dynamic as well.But there a single ended guys that have no choice. 
New turntable: TW or Obama?
Had a Sota Cosmos upgraded to TW AC3 much better bass detail and impact better midrange detail and much better highs.Using TW 10.5 arm with top Transfiguration cartridge,Enjoy! 
Preamp making loud pitched morse code sound
It must dieting dump it asap. 
Turntable lid up or off?
Lid on is not good sonically. 
Compression Titanium Worlds finest tweet ever engineered
I will jump on one asap(not really). 
Wood racks and humidity
The Symposium Foundation  rack will be sonically much better.I have the Osiris 5 level all copper legs my rack(EM) is pictured on the 3rd page of the Osiris racks it is now over 16k it was a big sonic upgrade.