
Responses from ebm

New Cable Tweek
Looks like another Tweekgeek  RIPOFF BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!! 
The "Snake Oil" Trope
Much too long!! 
No response from seller
To many people with NO class here a turkey parade.  
Car audio and cables
What does this mean? 
A Surreal Dream full of Audio Knowledge!
What are you saying? 
Want to remove grille from Soundbar but scared!
 Rip it off asap!! 
Need adice on selling hubby's estate: Yamaha M-65 & Yamaha C-65 amps
Keep them they are classic play them enjoy.  
Looking for guidance on what to do with this
Keep it its a classic play it now enjoy. 
Kimber Select 1021 vs Nordost Red Dawn
GET Furutech better than both buy asap. 
Shipping speakers
Sounds like their trashed? Good luck. 
Do tubes matter beyond gain stage on preamp?
Everything matters. 
Power conditioner some say yes and some say no.
Depends on your power and the line conditioner used. I'm using VIBEX PLATINIUM which does mot limit output and improves the sound with better stage, dynamics bass detail and quietness. 
tube or solid state phono amp with a tube integrated amplifier?
Depends on the sound your looking for tubes are always warmer sounding solid state has better bass. 
Audioquest vs. Others
Get Tara Labs NOW!! 
Power cord supplied with Luxman L-509X Integrated Amp
Upgrade to Furutech ASAP!!