
Responses from ebm

15" is deep enough
Good luck with that one. 
Amp ac cable connection
I agree i have Audience 6TSSDOX with 20 amp breaker 2400 watts I'm using Pass 350.8 350 per ch sounds a little more dynamic into the wall but detail,definition,bass detail,stage,highs are worse.Good call and great observation i agree 100% enjoy go... 
Wilson Sofia 2 vs marten dajango L
This speaker are day and night different can't compare you must choose the sound you like. 
What do you think of soundbars compared to speakers?
Yes i popped my cookies on my Bose sound bar just use it for movies and tv. 
VTL MB450 Schematic
Nice picture of cut off heads. 
Amp ac cable connection
Check out both ways let us know. 
Pass Labs amps questions
Hi,Wonderful review of PASS 350.8 in Positive Feedback #87 by Robert Youman.I totally agree. 
Power cable recommendations under $1k
Used Purist pc would work wonderful. 
Pass Labs amps questions
Why would they have a 350,8 if it wasn't better than the 350.5????? 
Audience's Ohno speaker cable & interconnect. Entry level fluff or serious cable ??
Entry level fluff dude!!!!!! 
Pass Labs amps questions
Pass 350.8 has better imaging,better bass detail and more dynamics than 350.5  thats just what i hear. Enjoy!! 
I dislike the newaudiogon category menu layout
Tell them to change it back yea good luck with that!!!!!! 
Why pay so much for super high end?
I like MAGICO all there high end lines Q,M3 etc use there own drivers which are much better than Seas,Scan Speak or Accuton they sound much better as well.In the end you get what you pay for. 
Spin Clean seems to add noise to records?
You get what you pay for the KL Audio is the best by far not cheap though.I cleaned the same record on VPI 17F and the KL Audio record sounded much better after a cleaning on KL Audio. 
Any Rotel love around here? Looking to power my Sonus Faber Olympica 3
No Rotel love here its just a mediocre sounding unit. Good luck though.