
Responses from ebm

Is Agon becoming the eBay of audio?
I always under rate my stuff as I'm honest and want the buyer to be happy.If somone over rates there stuff then you must kick but!! 
Isolation stands: snakeoil?
The Symposium Ultra Stealth edition is a BIG sound improvement.It improves imaging ,bass,dynamics and stage snake oil not really.You should get one asap or not.Enjoy anyway!! 
Preamp for Vac phi 200
I had ET5 i would certainly get a VAC preamp for best synergy and sound. 
Old Classic Receivers: A Mistake to Buy?
Old receivers are all ancient history as the parts are toast.Many people have no cash so they must use junk and pretend it sounds good. 
Balanced cables
Had my Purist cables re terminated to balanced from single ended they use wonderful sounding XLRs.The sound get quieter and cleaner also louder as well big improvement in my system. 
Suggestions on improved umbillical cord for Shunyata Triton
I did this with my ARC SP15 got much better bass,stage sonic weight etc.I think this should work on Shunyata but you must find someone who knows what he is doing to make it.Good luck though. 
SME V Tonearm on eBay Hong Kong Sellers are FAKE!!!
Would never buy audio equipment on ebay unless you like getting beat out of your cash.I only buy from great dealers or after checking feedback on Audiogon.I would buy nothing on ebay as there is much garbage on this site.HELLO!!!!!! 
SYNERGY –is it all about the setup
Wow mite take be a few weeks to figure it out ill let you know asap. 
Shun Mook Record Weight
Just got my Shun Mook weight it is truly a revolutionary  change in the sound.The changes in timber,sound stage and depth are truly amazing worth every cent.Wow!! 
Verity speakers opinions/experience?
Wonderful musical speaker well made great company.When will you be buying them?? 
Dealers hijacking the discussions
Ignore these guys as they always want to sell something. 
Magico A3
Lets bang on about Magico  dude keep on trucking!!! 
Speakers that work well with Hegel H30 amp (10K or less)?
The new Magico will be the best choice i think they are around 10k. 
Tweaks for a new ARC preamp?
Look for a Furutech cord the best match for ARC there is one for sale now on Audiogon jump on it ASAP!!! 
speaker cable prices
Better sounding cables cost more as the good ones are made to a higher standard for $300.00 good luck you can not get anything that really sounds good at this price.Good luck though!!