
Responses from ebm

Soulution vs Boulder vs TAD electronics vs MBL whi
Look at Audia Flight Stremento #1 preamp and Stremento #8 amps better than all the above at a much better price point. 
Hi Fi Tuning fuses
This fuse rap is getting old there are dozens of fuse raps here.Hi Fi tuning is great jump on them asap!! 
Best Phone Stage for under $1,000.000
If you don't know what a phono stage is maybe you need a new hobby. 
Marketing slogans to catch the consumers attention
Ill think about it and get back to you asap. 
Quatro Wood best feet
Granite will brighten and destroy your sound.Good luck though!! 
Quatro Wood best feet
Speaker goes directly on the base nothing in-between. 
Quatro Wood best feet
Call Peter at Symposium tell him what kind of floors you have he will know as he is the owner and manufacturer.  
Quatro Wood best feet
Look at Symposium speaker base great on wood floor etc. 
Gryphon vs Swiss solid state amps and preamps. And integrateds.
I compared them all ill get back to you ASAP!!! 
Ordered Magico S5 MK II traded S5 MK I - Thoughts - Feedback - Anyone here them?
Wonderful speaker they are more dynamic,better stage and much better bass definition than S5MK1.You also have GREAT electronics as well which will make them even better.Enjoy!! 
The Problem with Synergistic Research
SR always upgrading for big bucks there are much better cables,etc out there for less money.I gave them up years ago good luck though!! 
Magico A3 vs. Joseph Audio Perspective vs. Spendor D9
Magico A3s are so bad they sold over 700 pairs people love restricted and dead.WOW DUDE!!!!!! 
The Future of Audio Amplification
Jump on class d i will stick with A/AB as it sounds much better in my high resolution system.Enjoy though!! 
Power Cords
Just read this thread I'm now going to sleep!! 
What is the Best LP Cover Art for you Wall
Mickey Katz and orchestra the hits.Killer wall art!!!!