

Responses from earlflynn

Audio Hungary Qualiton X200 Integrated
KT170's are in and wow nice jump for the KT120's. Letting them bun in and more to come. 
Tube vs. Solid State Amplifiers
+1 @coltrane1 . So done with SS though I did enjoy all my Simaudio gear. I also enjoy Pathos Hybrid gear. 100% sold on quality Tubes in a quality Integrated. With quality Cables, Speakers and Room Treatments. 
Buy a Simaudio Moon 390 or wait for a Bryaston BR-20
Moon 390 is a fantastic pre-amp streamer, phono pre. I had one for a year along with 330A's run in mono. To keep peace at home I downsized to the 340i then the 600v2. Now moved to all tube and will not look back. The 390 is a great piece of kit an... 
Miles Dewey Davis
Think I will spin Bitches Brew tonight.  
Audio Hungary Qualiton X200 Integrated
@ozzy62 may shake that out this weekend. Just got back home for a business trip and box of KT170 arrived so there will be some playing and tweaking this weekend. 
DeoxIT on cables/Jacks?
https://stabilant.com/NoteList.htmlOnly thing I use and used it on all the avionics in our DHC6 of 35 years.  
Would you sell to someone with no feedback?
So if you never bought a corvette the dealer should never sell you one.+1 @too 
Any good high end shops in Indianapolis?
I would rather go to Indy than Chicago.  
Raven Blackhawk LE... am I going to be disappointed?
@twoleftears I have the X200 and if it cost $10G’s it would be worth it.  
Raven Blackhawk LE... am I going to be disappointed?
Wow that stinks. I agree with @twoleftears buy a Qualiton. 
Looking for an amp that punches way about its weight and I can grow with
$3k Simaudio 340ix. 
The Hungarian lands tomorrow.
Give her the burn in for 48 hours. I think you will be impressed right out of the box, but give it a few days and you will be really impressed. 
Raven Blackhawk LE... am I going to be disappointed?
That sub out thing with the Blackhawk is strange. Would like to hear from the vendor if that is by design or something else. Agree I would not want a unit designed with a fixed level output to a sub. That sounds like design flaw which makes me won... 
Vinyl...should I stay, or should I go?
To each their own.I love my vinyl setup as primitive as it maybe compared to others.I also enjoy CD’s and Streaming.it’s the music not the format. 
New Speakers $10K -$20K
I have the SF Olympica Nova II and Raven Audio CeLest towers and would recommend listening to both. CeLest has better dispersion and wonderful with all music.