Responses from dznutz
Looking for a good full range floor stander What most people dont realize is that Audiodoctor can probably carry any brand/line they want. They carry and promote the ones they do because they clearly believe that they are the best out there. Why is it that people don’t understand that?If ... | |
DynAudio Contour 60 vs Paradigm Persona 7F The Contour 60's are immensely impressive once you give them time to break in and you feed them enough power. I have never heard such texture in the bass and such punch at the same time. To me, a speaker has to reproduce the human voice flawless... | |
Bp17 cube preamp The BP17cubed is definitely a little noiser and inconsistent than most. I heard it on my own unit, should have checked the SNR before buying. | |
JBL - almost nothing for sale, why? ^^^ price??? | |
Krell XD gear in the House Initial Impressions Deez nutz? What are you 12? 12 is your post count.... Relax killer, my digital player alone costs more than your entire system. | |
Krell XD gear in the House Initial Impressions Oddiofyl... please shut up already | |
Recommendation on power amp Off topic, but why so much hate against Audiotroy? I have found their posts and experience quite helpful. Especially when I agree with their assessment of certain gear that I have owned and lived with myself. I think we need more experienced De... | |
Luxman DA-06 DAC vs Chord Qutest/Hugo 2 ^^^ What is that supposed to mean. Either you know something or you dont | |
PMC versus Wilson Audio Where in Canada? | |
Kinki Studio EX-M1 So you purchased it directly from Vinshine? | |
Kinki Studio EX-M1 boy, maritime has sure changed his tone | |
Magico A3 vs. Focal Kanta 2 I have a brand new pair of sopra no2’s for sale at $9600 shipped. Cant be beat at this price | |
LOUNDSPEAKER FOR $10,000.00 PER PAIR I have a pair of brand new sopra no2’s for $9600 shipped if interested. | |
Integrated Amp to match with Magico A3 The PM-10 puts out 400 watts at 4 ohms. The A3 is a 4 ohm speaker rated at 300 watts MAX and is 88db efficient. What makes you think you need more power? | |
Who has Luv for the Lyngdorf 2170 and is thinking about the 3400. I have a brand new factory sealed 3400 for sale if anyone is interested |