

Responses from dudleydog63

Speaker wire is it science or psychology
Inductance and capacitance are not buzz words. They are real characteristics of conductors, and they can affect the signal enough to be audible. It is trivially easy to design a cable that is audibly distinguishable from generic copper wire. Wheth... 
Any good cheap integrated amps?
For what it's worth, several years ago The Audio Critic conducted an ABX comparison of a 100w/ch Pioneer receiver (gasp!) and a $2500 power amp. Small, informal panel, but nobody could tell the difference--even though, sighted, they were sure they... 
Blind Listening Tests?
Detlof: 1) The power of a trained ear depends on how it was trained, and for what. If it was trained by years of imagining differences that one couldn't really detect, then it's not much use to anyone else. The refusal of many subjective reviewers... 
How much lead/sand to fill stand rack?
Fill your stands enough to make them good and stable with your speakers on them. I promise you they'll sound great. 
componet/cable burn-in
Rhljazz: There's a really, really simple solution to your problem. Just stop believing this nonsense about break-in, and everything will suddenly be ready-to-go right out of the box! 
Blind Listening Tests?
Don: First of all, there is a difference between a "blind test" and an "objective test." All objective tests are blind (double-blind, actually), but not all blind tests are objective. It's still possible to be fooled into thinking a difference exi... 
Burn In = Voodoo?
Detlof: Shaking a wire affects the sound? Come on, now. If that were true the phone company couldn't hang telephone wires in the wind. Your little experiment would prove only that I'm suggestible, which I'll admit I am. And you, my friend, sound v... 
Burn In = Voodoo?
Cwlondon: So far as I know, nothing happens to a wire over time that affects how an electrical signal passes through it. But humans do grow accustomed to sounds, and that's the most likely explanation for most of the testimonials in favor of burn-... 
Ethics of last minute auction "poaching"
In a live auction, there's no time limit, and the guy who wins is the guy who's willing to pay the most for the item. (And he usually has to pay less than the highest amount he is willing to pay, because he only has to pay enough to top the next g... 
Bi-wiring speakers
Jadem6: Fair point. An awful lot of statements appear on Audiogon without the explicit disclaimer, "This is only my opinion, but..." On the other hand, once you mention "science," you automatically sound more authoritative, even if you're full of ... 
One step up from entry-level?
Jadem6: Oops, let me rephrase that. I did not mean to endorse Circuit City as a retail establishment, and I thoroughly agree about the potential (not always realized) for specialty shops to provide better advice and service. The thread was about b... 
One step up from entry-level?
Mark: If I were advising someone with a tight budget, I'd tell them to go ahead and buy their electronics from Circuit City (sticking to the established brands--Sony, Pioneer, etc.). But splurge a bit on speakers: B&W, PSB, Paradigm and other ... 
cd spray tweaks?
The great thing about stuff like this is, if you think it will work, then it probably will. And if you don't think it will work but try it anyway, it still might work. It doesn't, really, but who cares? It's only money. 
Coping in an Age of Uncertainty
It would be a mistake to buy into a new format right now on the expectation that someday "everything" will be available on it. The odds of that happening are long. But given that most of the new machines on the market handle CDs pretty well, it's ... 
Placing Speakers With Book Shelves
I'd try Door Number 3: Measure it from the typical book spine. Also, don't sweat it too much. Given that you've effectively got irregular side walls, there's no way to do this to centimeter accuracy. And book shelves make great diffusers, so you'r...