
Responses from dsk

Van Halen Hagar Remasters?
a good remaster of any Hagar Van Halen recording would be to erase it and destroy all known copies. Van Halen only released 2 albums in my world. 
Center image on left side and don't know why
I had this issue recently, it turned out the midrange driver on one side was not working properly. It was a simple internal cable issue, but it made me nuts until I found it. 
The best speaker you ever heard?
B&W matrix 801 or Wilson Audio Watt/Puppy combo. Easy. 
Small floorstander recommendations
Try Monitor Audio's various sloorstanders. I love my Silver 5i's. I was also very impressed with a pair of Martin Logan Aerius, which can be had new for about $2100/pair. The Silver 5i's can be had for under 600/pair new or used. 
How can I get my new receiver to decode the AC-3 s
For future reference, this is a great explanationhttp://www.precisionlaserdisc.com/newfaq.html 
How can I get my new receiver to decode the AC-3 s
Thank you to everybody who responded, you have all been most helpful.