
Responses from drrdiamond

Power Cord Burn-In
FYI:My present, and best, power cords are also silver.Richard 
Power Cord Burn-In
Scottht,Maybe the power cord that you have tried did not needed burn in, but mine sure did.Richard 
advantage or disadvantage going biwire vs single
It usually depends on the speaker design. Some speakers come with high pass and low pass filters (crossovers). With this design, biwiring usually makes a huge difference.I envy you guys that can use just one cable. I tried mine with one cable comp... 
Best JBL's you have heard
Many years ago ---> Paragon 
What's the best XLR interconnects for Krell?
I have a LOT of Krell and use the older Lindsey-Geyer interconnects. I recently tried some new much more expensive interconnects, but the L-G are still in my system.A few years ago, I needed more, and, even though out of business, The Cable Co. ma... 
Speaker Grills??
FYI:The Theil 5's were definitely designed to be listened to with the grills ON. The grills actually complete the design of the exterior of the cabinets.Richard 
Voltage conversion Krell equipment
Call Krell. They are great. I would not proceed without their input.Richard 
Krell Stereo vs Mono
The reason that I didn't mention the 350x's, is that they are based on the old 250 amps, which were not in the same league as the old 350 and 650.That said, I heard Dan D'Agostino demonstrate his new speaker line using the FPB350mcx's. The sound w... 
Krell Stereo vs Mono
If possible, I would really try to go to the 450cx.1. It and the 700cx have the newest Krell technology 2. With the size of your room, you will never really need that much power and the sonic advantage of monoblocks will be more prevalent.3. Movin... 
Active Crossover w/Pre-Amp
Although the Krell KBX does not have a preamp in it, it does add gain to the signal. I think it is 6dB, but I am not totally sure.In my system, I have to turn the gain down with the KBX.Richard 
Krell KPS-28c, Is it the best for my cast system?
As far as I know the 28c is the only CAST CD player out there.Be warned if buying the 20i. The transport may not be available anymore, and if it is, it will be very expensive.I heard that Krell is planning a CD/SACD/DVDA player with CAST that will... 
Your Favorite Top 10 tuners all time
I don't know much about tuners since the one's that I have previously never sounded that good, BUT:Recently a friend who is also into real high end audio suggested that I get the Kenwood 7500 and change some of the filters and the op-amp.I found o... 
Power Cord Burn-In
Yes, it will burn it whether you hear the CD or not. But, a better idea:If your amp or preamp uses the same pc connector, it will burn in a lot faster plugged into them. Most cdp's draw very little current, while the other units will draw much mor... 
Ayone know the wattage used at a Rock concert?
FYI:Wattage is a strange thing.I just got back from seeing Harry Potter at the IMAX. They boast of having 12,000 watts and 6 channels.My two channel 4 ohm speaker set-up has 2400 watts.A pair of Cello Strad. Grand Masters driven by bridged Perform... 
Name 1 Cable in your system you could not live w/o
Interconnects:Lindsey-Geyer Balanced interconnects.Power cords to my Krells:Pure Note Sigma.Speaker cables: I am about to try XLO reference. I just bought three biwire runs. I will try them up against my Krell Path (that I have been using for a d...