

Responses from droleg

Planar speaker placement
Traditionally, maggies are placed about2-4 feet from  front wall and 2ish ft from side wall,  with the tweaters positioned outboard., depending on listening position , room acoustics, and whatnot. However this hk/limage method, developed by a Japa... 
Power cord replacement suggestions
Yes. Thank you, never assume with me. I just wasnt sure if the conductors in the 15 amp cord were smaller and thus heat up if on a 20 amp circuit.  Never studied electricianomitry. That's why i look to you guys for knowledge. 
Power cord replacement suggestions
Yes. Thank you, never assume with me. I just wasnt sure if the conductors in the 15 amp cord were smaller and thus heat up if on a 20 amp circuit.  Never studied electricianomitry. That's why i look to you guys for knowledge. 
Best standalone music server?
I too am looking for something of that ilk and my dealer aso recommended bluesound vault2. Do not have one , though i listened at the showroom.  Seemed simple and straightforward and sounded quite decent and very inexpensive, as far as audiophile ... 
Power cord replacement suggestions
Glad that i could make someone smile today! 
Power cord replacement suggestions
And thanks Lak. I realize thet on a 20 a plug, one of the prongs is perpendicular to the other, but i wasn't sure if they used different sized conductors to handle the higher current. So much to learn. Enjoy your evening. 
Power cord replacement suggestions
I appreciate it, Bob. Let me get settled in with these and then maybe you can recommend something of yours to try. 
Power cord replacement suggestions
Thank you, ebm, for your support and wellwishing. As i said , soon i will listen to them more critically, and try to enjoy them, as you stated. Your positive post just warms the cockles of my heart. Unfortunately my mediocre means preclude me from... 
Power cord replacement suggestions
I finally received my powercords a short while ago and am breaking them in. Red for cdp, blue for amp. I will soon compare them to stock, but i have changed many variables lately, ran 2 10 guage 20 circuits to the system, speaker placement, isolat... 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
No worries, Mark. Hope that the weather improves soon and that  there were no mishaps as a result. I look forward to the powercords.take care,   Oleg 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
Pardon my typo's. 
Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?
What exactly is a balanced pewer supply? What is actually balanced? There is a hot wire, neutral, and ground that come out of the wall, and a hot, -, snd ground that go into the component,  right? 
Power cord replacement suggestions
I will certainly try the cord on the pre to guage any difference.  If so, i will try the cerious high current cord for the amp. So excited.. 
Power cord replacement suggestions
Ordered a graphehe cord for cdp.  Preamp cord is next, iffin' i like it. 
Power cord replacement suggestions
Well, everyone can't be wrong. Far be it for me to reinvent the wheel. We'll start with source, after i find a powercord.