

Responses from drmuso

Anthony (Tony) Cordesman has passed away
I first became aware of AHC from his 1980s Stereophile equipment reviews. Largely based on his rave review of the Apogee Duetta II, I went out of my way to audition them at two different dealers and bought a pair, which I still use as my main spea... 
What affects front to back depth in room/ system?
Let's consider some of the basics of perceived soundstage depth.  Sounds that seem way behind the speakers have reverberation which is either natural--from distant-miking--or artificial.  Sounds that emanate from the plane of the speakers are typi... 
Your greatest high end audio purchase!!!
I'm inclined to say my best was the Apogee Duetta II speakers I bought in 1988 and had refurbished a few years ago.  How many audiophiles can be satisfied with the same speakers for 35 years?  Shortly thereafter I bought my Classé Audio DR-7 prea... 
Your Not-So-Obvious Best Fidelity LPs
@simonmoon Thanks for sharing about those Nonesuch LPs. Even though I’ve been a classical LP collector since the ’70s, I wasn’t aware of that series, although I’m not a fan of atonal or serial compositions. Are any of them more tonal?  
Anyone listen to Music on a FM tuner anymore?
I listen to NPR and other talk radio on tabletop FM radios. I have two Luxman tuners but rarely use them anymore, in part because the audio quality of several local FM music stations in my isolated area has gotten pretty poor.  I would use them m... 
Streamer Upgrade Bluesound Node To Aurender N10
@mgattmch  Is your Node the Node 130?  Do you prefer more analytic sound?  I don't find live music to be "sharp" sounding.  That may explain my preference for the R2R DAC I have now (Denafrips Ares II)--it has the smoothness that I hear in live m... 
High quality recordings any genre
@mapman @lonemountain thanks for the kind words. I found that artist on Qobuz but not that specific release?   I looked hard for the artist on Qobuz and couldn’t find him. Is that spelling correct?    
How good is good enough?
For me, "good enough" is when a system covers at least most of the full frequency range, with realistic soundstaging, imaging, dynamics and transparency and no obvious sonic flaws.  When I close my eyes it captures 90% or more of the live-music ex... 
What was the first power cable that you noticed a difference in the sound?
@curiousjim  When I bought my briefly-used Classé Audio SS power amps in the late '80s, the previous owner had already outfitted them with Cardas Quadlink power cables (a lower rung in their hierarchy).  At some point I experimented with using so... 
SOTA STAR Sapphire Turntable Care and Feeding
I bought a new Star III about 1989.  The only thing I've done to it is add a different platter mat.  Haven't done any of the maintenance suggested above.  The motor is as described above--I have it about 8 ft. away from my listening position and i... 
cleaning gritty surface noise on LPs
@chayro  Thanks.  A nice, inexpensive solution. I've also ordered the MoFi cleaning solutions, to see if any of them work better than the ones I've used.  
Have you asked yourself this question?
I've thought about it, but don't want to sell my analog gear or records. One thing others haven't mentioned is that there is often artwork and info on LP liner notes that one might not find on a streaming service.  It might be on a CD, but often ... 
Bluesound Node N130
I have the Node 130 and a Denafrips DAC.  Denafrips said the Node works better with a USB to their DACs.  Maybe that's true for other DACs also.  
Steely Dan UHQR
@rbertalotto @bigtwin  I saw somewhere on the internet that Becker & Fagan used Magneplanar III speakers--not bookshelf--to master their recordings back in the day.  The IIIa Maggies I used to own had a wonderfully realistic midrange, but w... 
cleaning gritty surface noise on LPs
@ghdprentice  Thanks for your response, but you missed my mention of using a Nitty Gritty Record Cleaning Machine, which is a vacuum cleaning machine. I have used very similar practices to yours--LAST preservative, then routine cleaning with a c...