

Responses from driver

Looking for CDP/ss amp 3K each
New or used? Balanced or not? What spkrs. will you be upgrading to? Size of room? Room treatments? How's the AC?You mention passive linestage a plus. How does that fit into the equation? 
VTL 2.5 strange behavior
I think it depends on which unit you have. Mine calls for the 6350's but some of the others have the 12at7's. I accidentally swapped places (12au7/6350) and the gain was super low. Just make sure the tubes are what is called for and they are in th... 
Best Male & IEC plug for high current power cords?
I would suggest you check out the cable asylum at AA & take notes. Seriously, there is a ton of info on all the things you mentioned-much more than can be covered in one thread.I'm not passing the buck but you really need to do some homework, ... 
Cardas Twinlink speaker cable polarity
I can't see why it would make a difference. Just use the same color at both the amp & spkr with the same polarity. 
Ever check the Wanteds?
I sold one thing through a wanted ad years ago. Usually what I have for sale doesn't mesh but I do look. 
Any vintage tuners with a small footprint?
I had a Sony ST-80W that was quite compact. I'd guess it was about the size of a large box of pop tarts on its side. It does an ok job as a tuner.Should be able to get one around $25 or so. If you're interested, send me an email & I'll send yo... 
tuners, the red headed stepchild?
My garage system is tuner only. I have 3 antenna's hooked up in the rafters so I get static free, long distance (if required) reception.It's exactly what I need when I'm out there, as I don't have time to fiddle around when I'm working on somethin... 
Cd transport isolation
I'm currently doing some experimenting with my CDP & although I've been using isolation devices for years, just last week I used dynamat & covered the entire top & sides. This is on an older Rotel RCD-855, so I'm not worried about how ... 
anyone gotten a scratch on component and gone mad
Back in 2000 I bought a used Aleph P and couldn't believe how scratched up it was. Every surface had something wrong with it, including the knobs. I got it for such a low price I was just going to live with it until I found out one of the inputs d... 
RCA and XLR shorting plugs??
As Dgaylin mentioned, Cardas does make real shorting caps and they do work. I was getting some cross talk from my VTL pre and put the shorting caps in my unused inputs & that solved the problem The caps you usually see simply keep the jacks cl... 
Any suggestions for top-end home-made cables?
Check out the cable asylum at AA. Make sure to search the archives too. 
Changing the flavor of gear
How charmingly acerbic of you to say that!I guess you didn't read my last paragraph. 
Shorten those lengthy power cords?
I see once again there is a tendency for some of the posters to state their superfluous views & turn this thread into another cable bashing, personal decision deriding campaign.The OP did mention the possibility of using better ends, so I take... 
Shorten those lengthy power cords?
If you go the DIY route, check out the Chris V website. There's a ton of info on what PC fits which application, how to measure, different recipes + all the parts.For a basic power cord, I suggest getting some 12/3 Carol cable at Home Depot & ... 
High-value ICE offerings or Ayre V3, ARC 100.2
Over a period of several years, I had a V-3 then both the V-5x then V-1xe. I put a V-3 back in my system (to see how it compared) & although it really is a good amp, it couldn't even come close. (I suppose I'd been spoiled by both the V-5x &am...