

Responses from dpac996

Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
whoops..stupid droidx autocomplete...Macrodynamic = Microdynamic.George: regarding the matching, is it a single channel's series/shunt pair that should be macthed, or the left/right series and left/right shunt? 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
If I may, one corollary to George's rules:1) despite an on-paper mismatch ( amp with 22kohm Zin ) a passive might work very well...so be sure to try anywayI am waiting for parts to build my own lightspeed and in the meantime discovered a 25k Noble... 
PS Audio DAC iii and Marantz SA 8100 CD Player
Ya I know! You can't stream sbox to 8001. Need 8004 or sa15 for that. Sbox into ps audio via optical was best connection for me. Sacd on 8001 is very good. Redbook is about equal to ps audio; they are different perspectives actually. Which one wor... 
PS Audio DAC iii and Marantz SA 8100 CD Player
Oh ya, sacd on that player is superb near sota in sound quality at an affordable price. I had most marantz players over the years starting with the 8260 then sa8001, sa15, sa11,sa8003, and now just got sa8004 which is an incredible piece. I can no... 
PS Audio DAC iii and Marantz SA 8100 CD Player
Sa8001 is excellent . Going to be a different sound. Not necessarily better. 
Used players better than $1.2K 13 yr old player?
Regarding supposed oppo break-in: sorry but 500 to 700 hours is too long a time for such limited time we have. Ridiculous. Pass! 
Chicks With Guitars
Ana Popovic. 
Steve Jobs we will miss you
Shop in Pittsburgh? Want to listen to 845 amp.
Short story for you: I frequented "The Audio Gallery" under both owners: Michael and Howard. Back when Michael was owner I was in high school and eventually bought an Adcom GFA 555MKII and Theta Pro Prime II. Michael was nice to put up with me and... 
Survey-What is your most used source?
Squeezebox 90%CDP 10% 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Hi George. Thanks for the suggestion. Somewhere I have the schematic for the 8002. Ill take a look. Have you considered creating potted drop-in attenuators so that folks could upgrade their current preamps if so desired? For instance say I have fo... 
For 75-85 dB a few watts are enough so ...
"Because we're trying to reproduce music, not just sound"Let me fix it for you:We are trying to reproduce a stereo mix which boils down to multi channels such as guitar, vocals, drums, bass, keyboard, mic's that pic up room echo, etc. being proces... 
How can a 40 watt amp outshine a 140 watt amp
Easy: connect a 40 watt rated light bulb to each amp. Run a 50/60 hz sine wave at 2 to 3 volts rms into each amp. Eventually the 140 watt amp will blow the light bulb. There you have it. The 40 watt wins. 
Lightspeed Attenuator - Best Preamp Ever?
Quick question: would the LSA's full potential be realized in this setup: PS Audio DLIII ( 99 ohms Z out ); low capacitance one meter interconnects; aragon 8002 power amp ( 22k Z in). Speakers spendor s3e. Average listening level : low to medium 8... 
Help a recovering audiophile build a system
Impossible. You will be posting beauty and the beasts squared by springtime-- Lol. You could try a pass int 150 with ps audio dac3. Or for less how about naim nait integrated?