

Responses from dougeyjones

Blind or Just Deaf?
I wish I could say it wasn’t so, but I’m mostly with Fertguy 
JBL Synthesis “Bookshelves”
@nonoise & tony, thanks for the feedback. All of the models have come down quite a bit price wise from their original MSRP, so they’re all in striking distance. The comment about the grilles was just because I happen to love that famous blue s... 
Anybody want a laugh?
Nah, believe it or not, I’ve been reading AudioGon for over a decade and just never posted. Definitely don’t see myself, or this post as making any kind of headway. If you noticed above, Steakster not so subtly attempted to shame my peasant level ... 
Anybody want a laugh?
@three easy payments Who knows, maybe they’ll be so ashamed that they’ll spend the money on useful upgrades, their wife/kids or.. idk, charity? 
Anybody want a laugh?
If you’re referring to the USB “cleaners” like the iFi iPurifier, those have been analyzed by ASR and found to not only NOT do any cleaning, but actually added noise. So, just saying “works great”, without providing any evidence isn’t going to wor... 
Anybody want a laugh?
I’d be interested to read the white paper that you refer to above. If we were discussing a network appliance that plugged in directly prior to the streamer and claimed to clean up noise, that’d be worthy of discussion, though I’d still be skeptica... 
Anybody want a laugh?
Maybe you should look the term up before assuming, it’s a very specific call out. Or to put it your way, avail yourself of the wealth of knowledge available to you on the internet. I sold HiFi for a long time and am still active in that community,... 
Anybody want a laugh?
Anybody want a laugh?
I think what fascinates me most about this particular phenomenon, which is exhibited by some (not all) members of this community, is that in order to really be into this world you have to have some dough. And generally speaking, unless you’re a ch... 
Anybody want a laugh?
I think you’re wasting your breath man, admitting that this, or any switch, does nothing would for a lot of AudioGon folks be opening a Pandora’s box, they’d have e to reevaluate how many other things they’ve set money on fire for.  
Anybody want a laugh?
That’s cute Steakster, but you’re high if you think that true.  
Anybody want a laugh?
Miller, I generally enjoy your posts, but you just wrote a book explaining something completely obvious that ignores the fact that nobody is ever going to have access to an “audiophile” cable or dsl modem. Even if they did, this is one of the pure... 
Anybody want a laugh?
That’s not my argument. My argument is that the other equipment that will connect on either end of something like this switch, and indeed the internal solder points inside this switch are not capable of producing an improvement, so dropping this “... 
Best linear PSU under $1000?
I thought I’d heard it all, but this thread is wild.. Linear power supplies for modems and routers.. “Huge” sound improvements. I had to do a double, then triple take. This is what runaway confirmation bias looks like.  
How do you cope with dust build up ?
Yep, I wish I could use an ionic purifier, but you guys running two in small rooms are very likely damaging your lungs in the process. It’s common knowledge in the past decade that they produce ozone which is a lung irritant among other things.