
Responses from dorkwad

Modified Lenco vs TW Raven
Barbapapa, I have a very much tricked out Lenco 78 and told you all the improvements to it already on the lengthy post. I just received the Synergistics Research PHT little metal gizmo that attches to the cartridge with a small amount of a blu-tac... 
Audible Illusions Modulus 3 Audio Research SP-11
Should have previewed that last batch of drivel--lots of language errors, typing errors--did I mention I'm a PE teacher? Got to laugh at my own self too. As I told my principal several times after yet another screw when he asked me, "What the f--k... 
Audible Illusions Modulus 3 Audio Research SP-11
Stefan, The AI 3A is a much better sounding unit than the earlier 3. The 3 was not much better than my 2D. The 3A has excellent clarity, is dynamic, punchy, clean bass that has texture and nuance, and sounds just plain beautiful in MY system. Here... 
Audible Illusions Modulus 3 Audio Research SP-11
I owned an AI 2D from 1991 until I sold it 2 years ago. It still was as awesome sounding and looking as the day I bought it. Loved it. Sold it ONLY to upgrade to an AI 3A with John Curl MC Phono circuit so I could go back to using low output MC ca... 
should I suspend a floor-standing turntable?
Toxic, Where are you located? I just happen to have a very good sounding for the money 4 shelf rack that is a definite step up in sound vs. my own super solid built wood rack with spikes on both. It also sounded considerably better than a custom w... 
SACD... can you hear the difference?
Some redbook CDs sound much better than most any SACDs I've tried--admittedly that is very few (under 10). I have a Modwright 5400 with all the upgrades and it plays both formats beautifully. However, as with vinyl, there are some cds that sound b... 
Audio Magic umbilical w/ Modwright CD players
Thanks BF, Looking forward to your assessment of their sound differences when they are broken in. I'm in no big hurry. Just want to make the better choice, especially if it's a big difference. Has MW endorsed the AM umbilical to anyone's knowledge? 
Modified Lenco vs TW Raven
I had a Maplenoll Ariadne air bearing tt/arm that sounded just plain beautiful but had potential to have an accident involving the cantilever if any of the air supply's many parts failed or disconnected. After selling it, I had many different tt's... 
Anti-Cable Level 3 spker cable: Improved or same?
Sunnyjim, Philip has 3 ads in Agon right now for the Amadi cables. Use the Agon system to contact him in writing about trying out the cables. The Maddie Signatures are his top of the line, followed by the Phil Ref, and then the Barb Masters. The p... 
Anti-Cable Level 3 spker cable: Improved or same?
Find any ad on Agon for Amadi cables--often in the auctions. Then just send Philip (George) a question. The Maddie Signature is his top of the line. I assure you he's in business and that is how I got to try them. The MG Planus III copper 6 ft. se... 
Anti-Cable Level 3 spker cable: Improved or same?
Thanks for the system comment, SJ. I love the sound of this system. The Darwin cables, starting with the Silver, were just way better than anything I've had in my system. They don't sound bright, but are very revealing and alive sounding. I think ... 
Anti-Cable Level 3 spker cable: Improved or same?
I had been an Anticable user for about 3 years. Figured there had to be something significantly better sounding out there as the cable doesn't have much involved in making one. I used over 6 different cables but always came back to the Anticables ... 
Small room....treating 1st reflection points
This advice was given to me by Roy Johnson of Green Mountain Audio speakers. If the foam you have is high density foam, like what's used for seat pads of furniture, you'll get very good benefit at the highs and mids if you cut a 4' by 4' piece of ... 
Looking for an advice about speaker cables
For the money, Speltz Anticables are VERY tough to beat and have a very transparent sound. You can get a new 8 ft. pair for under $80 with spades to attach to the posts. It took me paying $600 for severely discounted cables that will eventually se... 
Need a good Nerd Opinion - Biwire Best Value
I will second the Speltz Anticables. I had a few differently configured pairs such as 8 footers, and the last times 11 ft. with an 18 ft. Could tell no difference in sound from the 8's. Was no perceivable difference left and right with the two run...