Responses from donvito
Where subwoofers are manufactured Yes China! Take a look at the rear of this REL! All the newer models have been made in China for years! | |
Where subwoofers are manufactured REL is now made in China! | |
Why bookshelf type speakers are high end Ain’t dat da truth! | |
High efficiency monitors for SET amp in small room - budget 2.5k Since you like the Harbeth sound I doubt you would go wrong with the Harbeth P3ESR! A sealed 2 way is perfect for a small room like yours! | |
If You Had To Choose Between A SME M2-9 and a Rega RB 1000 SME! | |
Saxaphone vs. Trumpet...Which do you prefer? The saxophone is my favorite. Preferably the tenor! BTW, if you like the sax you should give these guys a listen! | |
Recommendations for a new integrated amp for Vandersteen 3a speakers The OP has a budget of $1500. Why the recommendations on the Belles that is $800.00 over his budget? Read! | |
Your favorite Small Apartment Speakers Any LS3/5A type of speaker go great in a small space. Spendor, Harbeth, Falcon, Stirling, etc. make nice ones! | |
Buyer is claiming damage that was done by him! I use mine with the grills removed. It sounds like this guy is trying to squeeze you for some kind of a refund! | |
Buyer is claiming damage that was done by him! I’ve owned many Harbeths. The grills have to be removed correctly with a magnet. I have seen many Harbeth with ripped grills and damaged wood on the edges where the grills are.It sounds like the buyer tried removing the grills incorrectly and want... | |
Are silk dome tweeters actually silk? If it was not made of silk it would be called a soft dome tweeter. Yes it is silk! | |
System Upgrade Who are the too many people using his exact amp speaker combo? | |
System Upgrade Those Harbeths should not sound flat! | |
Seeking advice on setting up outdoor event sound system Give these guys a call!! | |
Best sounding table system for $500 or less Tivoli Audio! |