
Responses from donpepe

Tube rolling McIntosh c2600 preamp?
Thanks to all,I'm not certain that my issue is the tubes but not certain i can rule them out yet for a couple of reasons not worth going into yet. I plan to call McIntosh later this morning for info and i'm sure they will be helpful.@goheelz Sorry... 
Tube Preamp with Solid State Amp?
Hi John,Over the years, I've tried all sorts of systems, all tubes was very good, solid state was also very good. I think it depends on the quality of your equipment and your room and importantly on the music you enjoy. I don't think there is any ... 
New Amps to match up with PSB T3 speakers
Sorry Soix,I'm using the PS Audio NuWave phono pre. 
New Amps to match up with PSB T3 speakers
I am happy with the 21A but can't ignore the noise. I have (sick man) be looking today for tube preamps on this site, i know i can't any that interest me. The reason being that I ordered a McIntosh MC 450. George:Mcintosh literature reports 450 wa... 
New Amps to match up with PSB T3 speakers
@soix my tube pre sounds much better with CD PLAYBACK  and good with records but a too noisy with TT PLAYBACK. IF THE TT PLAYBACK WAS QUIET WITH THE TUBE PLAYER MY CHOICE WOULD EASILY BE THE BELLES. Any thoughts?? 
New Amps to match up with PSB T3 speakers
Just went after a Mac 452 on a friends recommendation. 
New Amps to match up with PSB T3 speakers
Soix,Current speaker cable is Siltech, 330L classic Anniversary series, NBS Monitors, Dynamic design Lotus type SE, Audio sensibility Statement for Phono, all balanced. I use PC's from Dynamic design, Acoustic Zen, and Siltech. Power conditioner i... 
New Amps to match up with PSB T3 speakers
I have a tube pre amp that I'm not using, a Belles 21A, just back from Belles, perhaps I'll put it back in the system for a bit to hear what it does sonically. I'm currently using a Ayre 1-XE pre with a phono section that I like. If the Belles sou... 
New Amps to match up with PSB T3 speakers
Sorry, here's the list:Ayre MX-R,Pass labs X350.8,Bat VK-600SE,McIntosh MC452 and MC601's.Thanks,Joe 
New Amps to match up with PSB T3 speakers
 hi All,I'm considering the following Amps but haven't listened to any of them and some would exceed my budget. If you're familiar with them, I would appreciate your opinion.Thanks,joe 
New Amps to match up with PSB T3 speakers
Thanks guys,My budget is around 6K. My preamps are Ayre K-1xe with phono section and a Belles 21A which was just serviced and upgraded by David Belles. My CD player is a Cambridge audio Azur 851C. My TT is a Sota Nova with a Jelco 750 arm. Frankly... 
I have been using the Cambridge 851 CD player for a few years and want more.
To adg101, I'm interested in the fuse idea but can't find any mention in the 851 manual about the type of fuses it uses. 
I have been using the Cambridge 851 CD player for a few years and want more.
I am using a Siltech PC, and balanced interconnects by NBS. My current system is BelCanto REF 1000 MK2 mono's, Ayre K-1x preamp all balanced, Sota Nova TT along with the 851c player.Thanks  
I have been using the Cambridge 851 CD player for a few years and want more.
If any of you are using the Mytek Brooklyn DAC+ or the Schiit Yggdrasil, please offer your opinion on these DAC's.Thanks,Joe 
I have been using the Cambridge 851 CD player for a few years and want more.
Hi Soix,My budget is around 2K, although I often don't stay within budget.