
Responses from doni

Impressed with all in one computer speaker - Vanatoo
Another happy owner here.  Amazing speakers for the price. 
Best Mesh WiFi System
Ok, thanks for the suggestions.  We went with Orbi because we’ve used it before and have been satisfied.  Appreciate the help. 
David is one of the few people on audio fora that I respect.  His kindness to others, and lack of an agenda, are shown over and over in his posts.  He is also a music first audiophile, and I have discovered some great music from his suggestions.  ... 
'59 356 A coupe'65 356C coupe'87 911 CarreraAll sold, but all missed. 
Helping a friend build a new system
Doesn’t change the choice much if you choose front ported, or sealed speakers.  I’ll second the JMR Bliss Speakers.  My pair work well with SS or tubes, and they sound really good. 
Helping a friend build a new system
The Rogers LS3/5a’s are a good suggestion.  Add a nice Belles Aria and it’s pretty satisfying. 
What Integrated Amp do You use
Audio Note OTO Phono Sig.Sugden A21SEBelles Aria 
Innuos Zen Mini Mk3 w/PSU |VS| Lumin U1 Mini
Plus, the new Sense 2.04 software is said to sound very good on the Mk3.  Don’t know how it compares to the Lumin however. 
Within a 30 day trial with Van Alstine SET 400; seeking comparisons
In a review a few years ago, Doug Schroder compared the Belles Aria monoblocs (with Aria Preamp) to the AVA products, probably because they are comparable in price and performance.  He concluded that they are very similar but the Belles had a bit ... 
Klipsch Cornwall IV
I'm near Raleigh, and have been graciously offered the opportunity to hear Ozzy62's CW4's.  I'll be taking him up on it this weekend.  Can't wait! 
Klipsch Cornwall IV
Anybody in North Carolina have a pair of CW4's and would allow for a demo.  Vaccinated, and have a mask.  Thanks, 
Calling all (50 or less?) Falcon Kingswood Warren Edition LS3/5a owners...
I have Rogers LS3/5a’s and am currently running them with a ss integrated (Belles Aria) with about 70wpc.  The sound is to die for!  I’ll try some tube and class A amps when the weather cools some, but can’t imagine anything sounding better than t... 
What Integrated Amp do You use
+1 on the Sugden A21SE.  I also noticed there is a Belles Aria on A'gon for $2200 and I can vouch for both.  Excellent integrated amps! 
Recommendation for amp
My Belles Aria integrated sounds great with some Rogers LS3/5a’s so I would expect it to do the same for the Harbeths.   
What DAC upgrade made you say “DAMN, that sounds SO MUCH better than my last DAC”?
@chorus, well I'll mention Audio Note.  I was happily using a Border Patrol DAC in an otherwise AN system, and was happy with the sound.  Switched to an AN 2.1x Sig. and the difference was amazing.  It will only do CD quality sample rates, but the...